2 - Hatred

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Krusveto POV
"What's your next station or job?" I asked, munching on my food.

"Guarding another cell," Sofia replied.

"I have to patrol the streets with Viktoria," I stated. 

"Boring," Sofia said, rolling her eyes.

I finished up my lunch and headed out with Viktoria. We went to the designated area and kept a close watch for criminals. Everything was going fine until I heard a bang. I looked around. No one. I asked Viktoria to stay at the street while I searched the area. 

I turned to an alleyway and saw a woman with split florentine blue and grey hair. Same went for the colour of her face, but there was en extra stripe of blue. She wore a navy blue coat, black turtleneck, grey pants and black knee-high heel boots with a white fur lining. The woman was stealing some cash from an old man and knocked him unconscious. 

"Shoot! It's a cop," the woman cussed, throwing a heavy object at me and then running away.

"JESUS CHRIST-" I shouted before getting up to chase the woman. 

Third-person POV
Viktoria saw Krusveto running after the woman and called for back-up as she recognised the woman. She was a runaway criminal for 14 years with a very high bounty. Then, she chased after the woman too but took a different route so the woman would be cornered.

"AH *blip*!" the woman yelled, looking around for an escape. She looked up. A tall building. She began running up the side stairs as the two cops chased her. It was a cat and mouse chase. Eventually, they lost her.

"I think we...lost...her..." Viktoria said, taking breaths in between her words.

"Officer Krusveto, Officer Viktoria, file a report," Lieutenant Piter commanded.

"Will do, sir" Krusveto and Viktoria said.

The three along with Officer Sofia, Officer Radomir and Officer Vasily (who were called by Viktoria) ran back to the station. Krusveto and Viktoria filed a report as ordered and waited for their next instructions.

"Wait...Rschvania Kuznetsova Vasiliev? She's been a runaway criminal for 14 years!" Sofia exclaimed while talking to Lieutenant Piter.

"Hmm...I have just received news that Rschvania Vasiliev has been arrested. The three of you are to guard her cell. Got it?" Lieutenant Piter ordered.

"Yes, sir," the three officers said.

The trio made their way to her cell.

"Hey officers! Honestly, the word officers doesn't sound right. They should change 'officers' to 'bishes' or '*a-word*holes'. Suits y'all the best, am I right?" Rschvania exclaimed.

"We are not here to make small talk with you," Krusveto stated sternly, turning away.

"Ugh, all of you are the same! You say you "help" and "bring justice" to people but in reality, you are doing the exact opposite! YOU DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HELP OTHERS AND INSTEAD, ARREST PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HELP THEM! DON'T YOU REALISE THAT US 'CRIMINALS' ONLY STEAL BECAUSE WE WERE BORN IN THE SLUMS AND HAVE NOT MONEY TO LIVE? THIS THE GOVERNMENT'S PROBLEM, NOT OURS!" Rschvania ranted.

"You better shut your *bleep*ing mouth before we give you a beating," Sofia warned.

"Okay, I'll play along with your games...for now," Rschvania said, smirking.

"You better not try anything or they'll be considering a death penalty," Krusveto alerted.

"Then kill me! Life isn't worth living if you're gonna stay in a depressing cell with 3 *a-word*holes guarding you like hawks," Rschvania cussed.

"Oh, I would love to end your life but they're being nice to you," Sofia said.


"Ma'am please do not shou-" Viktoria said.


"First of all, they were not innocent. They were anything but innocent. And second, you said you weren't here to make small talk and here you are, making small talk," Rschvania retorted.

Krusveto clenched his fists. He had no idea what to talk back at her with. All he could do was give her a look. This was one of the few moments where he wanted to cuss but he was fully against it and despised it. He gritted his teeth and gave Rschvania a death glare. He was mad that she made him feel weak and hopeless. He hated that feeling. She looked down on him and he despised her. They locked gazes, full of hatred. 

[DISCONTINUED] An Illegal LoveWhere stories live. Discover now