Movies & Memories

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Neeku was looking for Yeager. He checked in his private office but he wasn't there.

Then he saw some memory rods on the table. He took one of them and read it 'Yeager's past.' "Oh... "


"Unfortunately we won't have a sleepover tonight. Norath has a mission for a whole night with Venisa and Poe while Hugh just had a chicken pox." Kaz told Tam.

"Sorry to hear that. I'm surprised that your friend just had that pox now." Tam said as cleaning the tools.

Kaz responded "Yeah, all the humans have the chicken pox are mostly when they are child." She agreed "And it happen once in their lifetime."

Then Neeku came to them "Guys, guys ! I have something to entertain us for tonight." He showed a holo video camera and memories rods.

"Watching your newest vlog ? That would be a great. " Kaz guessed.

"No, we'll figure out what was Yeager look like years ago."

"Are we gonna see Yeager when he was around our age ?" Kaz asked.

Neeku responded "I am hoping so."

"I'm making popcorn." Kaz rushed to make right away.


Yeager just back from the tower, after having a meeting with Doza and Venisa. He then heard the kids laughing.

He immediately figured out where those voices coming from. Soon after that, he noticed Kaz, Tam, and Neeku watching from his holo camera video.

"I never imaged Yeager was used to braid his hair that way." Kaz chuckled.

"You should see the video when he braided my hair. It was nice one." Tam suggested.

"Oh boy..." Yeager whispered then came to them.

"What is going on here ?"

"Neeku found one of your memories records and we wanna watch of your young version." Tam replied.

Yeager's eyes widen as staring at him "Neeku !"

"I was looking for you but you were not there." He replied.

Kaz spilled "I can't believe that you were used to have a crush on Venisa."

Yeager was shocked "Hey, I never hurt her like that."

Tam chuckled "What Kaz meant to say that you were used to have interest of someone that you want to be yours. It might similiar like falling in love in first sight."

"Hey Kaz, I just found your request if Yeager might jealous of Venisa was having a serious relationship with Captain Doza." Neeku told.

Yeager shook his head "Oh no, you guys don't."

"Come on, Yeager. Please let us watch it. Soon or later, maybe one of us will have a kid and won't stop questioning untuk you lose control." Kaz said.

Yeager sighed. Kaz had a point of this. "Fine, but only this once and we'll have a deal of recording videos." They cheered.

Yeager had a seat and joined watching with them. The video was on.

Someone took his camera to him staring at Venisa having a conversation with Doza.

"What are you lookin' , Jarek ?"

"Don't record here, Marcus. It's private."

"Oh no, looks like you're jealous of that man who just out from the empire." Marcus teased.

Yeager gave him a warn "Shh... Marcus."

"Relax brother, your secret is safe with me."

"I would be relax if you don't record. Give my camera back."

The video was ended by Yeager had his holo camera video back and turned it off.

"Aww..." The kids said at the same time.

"I still can't believe I didn't erase that one." Yeager put a hand on his head. "Can't wait to see another moment young version of Jarek Yeager." Tam replied.

"Alright, alright, everyone to bed now. Tomorrow we have work to do." Yeager ended it.

The others complained "Oh, come on !" While Neeku returning a holo camera video to Yeager.

Yeager sighed as went to his bedroom. Although it was annoyed but at least he has his way to tell his past.

Team Fireball MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now