Ah fuck I would have wanted my relation to golden boy Jason to be a secret for more than a few hours.

"WHAT!? Jason? Well then I hate her by association!" Damn this Eddie was in a league of his own but holy hell was he attractive!

They spend a few more minutes intensely discussing if I might be anything like my cousin or not. They do agree that I'm way more attractive than him at least. Even grumpy Eddie has to agree there. I feel a tingle in my stomach when Eddie says he thinks I'm attractive. It almost breaks my poker face. They then abruptly change their topic of conversation as Eddie takes out a magazine and starts reading aloud to the group.

"Dungeons and Dragons! At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies has linked violent behaviour to the game. Saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifices, sodomy, suicide and even MURDER!"

He caught my attention now, I love DnD and I miss my gang at home. But what was this? They seem to hate DnD here, that was a quite vicious description of a boardgame? Do Americans really believe this crap? So that's what Hellfire is then? A DnD Group? Damn maybe I might need to try and make nice with this Eddie after all...he seems like the leader. I would really like to find some people to game with if I'm going to be stuck here for the year.

I'm deep in thought when I'm startled by Eddie getting up on the table. Starting a rant about how they were looked down upon for "liking a fantasy game and not band, science or paaarties" or as he puts it and now I can't help but smiling "A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS"

This of course triggers my "dear" cousin to stand up and be all cocky "You want something freak?" I roll my eyes, his constant need to be an macho ass is tiring.

Eddie just smiles at him puts his fingers up like horns on the side of his head, sticks his tongue out and makes a snarl noise at Jason.

"Prick" I hear Jason say as he's turning to sit back down, then his eye catches me sitting at the same table as "the freak" he pauses for a second and just stares at me. Fuck...this is going to be a loooong night.

The bell rings and lunch is ending. I pack my things and take my tray. As I stand up I can't help myself I turn to the Group at the opposite side of the table take a small bow and say with a blinding smile

"Well gentlemen this was a pleasure let's do it again sometime" then I leave.

Chapter 2 - Friendly

The first class I have after lunch is science. Teacher seems nice, a Mr Clarke. I'm really too old for this class but since somehow the American school system didn't think that my A in all science classes from England was good enough to take science here with he people my age I have to take it with the people 2 years younger, I have to start from scratch.

I look around for a seat and I see one right behind the curly haired guy and the skinny one from lunch. Ah well, might as well start somewhere if I wanna play DnD. I sit down, I can tell they noticed me, they both smile very politely as if to say "sorry for lunch" I lean forward in my chair and I say

"Just so we're clear. I'm not actually a bitch. I am however Jason's cousin but I would like to strongly point out I'm nothing like that ass hat! Whoever this Nancy is she did get the facts right from Chrissy I am here both as a student AND to get Jason to graduate. Herculean project but I think I can manage. But I would like it if I wasn't judged solely on my relation to him." I sit back and both of them turn around with surprised faces.

"Ehmmm...yeah Jason is difficult. We just weren't sure, you know, because of your attitude with Eddie. Maybe it ran in the family we thought" I get a small apologetic smile

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