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Chapter 1 - Rude!

"Who's that?"

I can hear them all whispering. God damn...why did I have to be late on my first day? I would have made morning classes if it hadn't been for my plane being late arriving. Now it's lunchtime and I have to literally meet the whole school at once, yay just my luck.

"Screw it, I rock! So fuck 'em!" I try to tell myself as I enter the cafeteria, head held high. More so to keep from having to look at all the faces staring at me than the fact that I was confident as hell...

I see a table that is currently unoccupied so I hastily make my way over to it. Wonder why a table this size is empty in the middle of lunch. Ah well I needed some good luck today. I take a seat at the very end of the table and set my lunch down.

"And just what the HELL do you think you're doing?" I look up and I meet the brownest eyes I've ever seen. They kinda take my breath away, and the face that goes with them...oh lord!

"Well" I say looking around "I presume since I'm sat here with a tray containing various food items that I am in fact having lunch. But then again I could be mistaken? Care to have an opinion on that?" I mean really? Rude!?

"Yeah ha ha very funny I MEAN what the hell are you doing sitting at this table, who told you that was ok?" the guys stare intensifies

"Told me? No one told me per say, but I assumed you know that an empty table was just that...empty? I needed a place to sit and have my lunch, this table was unoccupied hence I sat down. Quite a simple chain of events, or do I need to explain this in easier terms for you?" I smile at him and meet his stare.

"Ok smart ass, you move NOW! This is Hellfire's table and we do not have guests! Go sit literally anywhere else" he motioned around the room as if there was hundreds of empty seats just waiting for me.

OMG this guy! Rude as fuck...well I can play this game!

"Hellfire? Cool name dude" I smirk at him "But you see as I was in fact know FIRST I'm not moving one inch until I've finished my lunch. So if my presence at your little meeting bothers you that much I would suggest YOU find another table since you seem under the impression this place isn't currently packed. It's a table for 10, you guys are what 7? I thiiiink I can make room for you, so you're more than welcome to join me..." I raise one eyebrow and look at this rude boy towering over me. Then I take out my Walkman and my book and turn away from them, put my headphones on and make a small dismissive wave at them.

When I tell you if looks could kill...they'd be scraping me off the floor at this very moment. The group of guys seem stunned, then slowly I see them, in the corner of my eye, starting to move to the other end of the table. They all sit down, none of them taking their eyes off me. I ignore them and eat my lunch and read my book. I can feel those brown eyes intensely watching me, I have to fight the urge to meet that gaze. My volume is just low enough so I can hear them talk. This is something I've perfected, the perfect eavesdrop volume and a blank face. I mean of course the subject of conversation is me! Honestly I would have been very surprised if it hadn't been.

"Anyone of you know who this lunatic bitch is?"

"C'mon Eddie be nice. She's obviously new here. She hasn't learned the lay of the land yet. She couldn't have known this is Hellfire territory." this curly haired boy says and glances in my direction

"Big deal! I say move she moves. Easy!" this Eddie is getting on my nerves now.

A very skinny dark haired guy chimes in "I heard from Nancy that she's Jason's cousin from England. Apparently this good girl, straight A student who graduated early but wanted to come here and try the American high school life, weird if you ask me. But Nancy also overheard Chrissy saying that she's here to get Jason to graduate, he's flunking his classes. So I don't know if she's here for her or for Jason or both."

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