What Happend.?

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Varain woke up bleeding everywhere he tried to see if he remembered anything..He didnt Why did he rememebr WHERE WAS HE.!? WHERES DAD WHY IS EVERYTHING SO LOU- but before varain could think a moment more rapunzel came in.."R-RAPNUZEL! WHERE AM I WHYS THERE BLOOD EVERYWHERE IM GOING TO FAINT !" Rapunzel looked shoxked of varains little Pity party he was having trying to fix it by talking to raps "You..dont remember.?" Raps asked..Varain quickly answered "WHAT OFCOURSE NOT.! I DONT REMEMBER BEING COVERED IN BLOOD.!?" He was so confused he could faint "i can help you remember..?" Varain shaked his head yes Almost violently then the memory started to appear..

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