𝐱. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞

Start from the beginning

Mysaria rolled her eyes before turning on her heels to leave.

"I'm right here, Uncle." Rhaerys said as her face supported a grin, no longer speaking High Valyrian."The object of your ire, the reason that you were disinherited." She added as she took a single step closer.

The two of them just barely brushing against one another. "If you wish to be restored as heir, you'll need to kill me. So do it. And be done with all this bother." She continued with an even harsher tone.

The two of them held each other's gaze for a while before Daemon turned on his heel.

He then threw the dragon's egg in Rhaerys direction. She caught it with ease, even though she stumbled on her feet from the force of the throw and the weight of the egg.

Rhaerys looked down towards the egg with a smile before turning to sit the egg in a heated pot that the Dragonkeepers held open for her.

Rhaerys nodded at the hand of the King and the knights before she made her way to Syrax.

Saddling the dragon, they were in the air no later.

When Rhaerys made it back from Dragonstone, she was immediately called upon by her father.

"Your Grace." She bowed as she stepped into her father's quarters.

"You disobeyed me." Viserys spoke. "You fled King's Landing without a word and you acted without The Crown's leave." He added with a growl of frustration as he closed the distance between himself and his daughter. "You are my heir." He said lowly whilst he stared down at her. "You could've been killed." He added with a softer voice.

Rhaerys nodded her head in understanding. "May I sit?" She asked.

Stunned, Viserys leaned back in shock whilst Rhaerys proceeded to walk around him to a nearby seat before he too sat in front of her.

"You went to Dragonstone." Viserys stated.

"And retrieved the egg without bloodshed." Rhaerys added to his statement. "A feat i'm not so sure Ser Otto could've accomplished alone." She said causing Viserys to smirk.

"Yes, well." He paused before dropping his head and chuckling. "I sometimes forget how alike you both were." He said with a smile before leaning back into his seat with a sigh. "Your mother's absence is a wound that will never heal. Without her, the Red Keep has lost a warmth that I dare say it will never recover." He added.

"It pleases me to hear you say this. To know that I am not alone in my grief." Rhaerys said as she leaned forward to rest her hand upon her father's.

"I wish I had known better what to say to you in the aftermath." Viserys struggled to say as tears formed in his eyes. "I struggled to realize that my daughter had so quickly become a woman grown." He said as Rhaerys smiled just a little. "But I know she understands what is now expected of me." He added.

"The King must take a new wife."Rhaerys said in understanding.

"I could never replace your mother." Viserys said after a moment as he placed his palm over his heart. "No more than I intend to replace you as heir. But you are my heir and our line is vulnerable, too easily ended. And by marrying again, I may begin to ensure that we are better defended." He added.

"Against whom?"Rhaerys asked.

"Whomever may dare to challenge us." Viserys answered.

This, Rhaerys could understand.

The duty of a King held many responsibilities, and if taking a new wife to continue the Targaryen line is what her father must do, then she'd allow it.

"I do not wish to make us estranged." Viserys whispered softly.

"You are the King, and so, your first duty is to the realm." Rhaerys said simply. "Mother would've understood this." She added. "Just as I do. And Rhaenyra."

The next day, Viserys called a Small Council meeting.

"Good morrow, my lords." He greeted as everyone gathered. "I have decided to take a new wife." He announced a she looked toward his daughters.

Rhaenyra latched onto Rhaerys's hand rather the tightly as the two of them sent him small smiles.

"I intend to marry..." He trailed off as he looked towards Alicent.

Rhaerys could feel Rhaenyra's grip on her hand falter as the smiles dropped from their faces at the gaze her father had sent towards her best friend.

Rhaerys should have known. She'd practically seen this coming.

"The Lady Alicent Hightower before spring's end." Viserys continued.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Lord Corlys growled as he stood to his feet.

"And I am your King." Viserys reminded the Lord.

Lord Corlys then gazed at everyone in the Council room before taking his leave.

Rhaenyra held eye contact with Alicent as she blinked back her tears before leaving the room in a hurry.

"Rhaerys." Viserys called out as she went to follow her sister to comfort her.

Chuckling, "You've made a grave mistake father, you've no idea what you've done to the realm." Rhaerys spat as she glared at Alicent with a look of fury before hurrying after her sister.

note: i really hate how Viserys never told Rhaenyra that it was her BEST FRIEND he intended to marry. that was so wrong.

i just noticed on how when i'm writing, i think i read in an valyrian accent, it's so hilarious 😭.

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