'Ah.. He fell asleep. Why does he look so cute when he's sleeping..?'

He quietly got up and laid Luffy on the bed, pulling the covers over him.
'I'm gonna miss you, Monkey D. Luffy.'

-Good night.- he whispered.

For Law's surprise, Luffy grabbed his hand gently and in his sleep he murmured:

-Don't go Torao... be my pillow...

Law blushed and pulled his hand away. Luffy didn't seem to be awake.

-I can't Luffy...- he murmured back, not really sure why he was answering.

He left after that and went home, spending another sleepless night with that teenager roaming in his thoughts.

The next morning Law got to the hospital early as usual. He had bought a bagel for Luffy, it was part of his routine now. As he walked in the room, the teen was asleep, so he simply placed it next to his breakfast and then left.
'Goodbye Luffy.'


Luffy woke up with two familiar voices around him.

-Oi, I think he's waking up.
-Yoooo, Luffy, you ready to go?

As he opened his eyes he saw Sabo and Zoro standing next to his bed.

-Hey guys.- Luffy yawned loudly.-What time is it?
-Almost 11:30.- Sabo reply.- We're here to take you to Ace's house. He invited us all for lunch to celebrate.
-Fair enough.- Luffy sat up stretching his arms.

(Yeah... Today I'm leaving the hospital.)

Luffy got up and looked around, spotting his breakfast sitting on the bedside table. As usual, there was a small plastic bag with a little piece of paper on top, with a smiley face drawn on it.
(Torao! I can't leave without saying goodbye. I can't leave without asking him out! I would definitely regret that...)

-Guys, can you give me like 15 minutes? You can go grab a coffee or something and I'll meet you outside.- Luffy said.
-Why is that?- Zoro frowned.
-There's something I need to do.-Luffy replied.
-Sure, don't take too long though, we'll be waiting downstairs. - Sabo spoke.- Let's go Zoro.

As they exited the room, Luffy changed to a new pair of clothes they had brought and got ready to leave. He tried to stall his exit by dressing slowly and checking over and over if he had everything, even though the only belonging he had with him was that Murakami book that Law had borrowed him.
(Where is he..?)

After 10 minutes he left the room and wondered around for a while trying to find his nurse. Almost another 10 minutes had passed. Luffy walked to reception, deciding to ask for Law since he couldn't find him anywhere. The receptionist told him which room he was assigned now but apparently Luffy was not allowed to go in there.

-Shit....- he murmured to himself.- Can you give me his number then?
-Sorry I can't share that information.- she stated.
-Oii, Luffy!- Zoro appeared in the reception.- There you are, c'mon, we need to get going.
-W-Wait Zoro, I can't leave just yet. Please just... just give me another 5 minutes.
-Why? What's going on?- his roommate asked confused with Luffy's attitude.
-Please! Just trust me, I'll be out in the parking lot in a second!
-Why can't you tell me what this is about?

Before Luffy could answer, his eyes spotted someone on the other side of the entrance hall.
He ignored Zoro and rushed to the man on the end of the hall.

-Torao~! -He called out.
-Luffy?- Law turned around, surprised to see him.- I thought you had already left.
-I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.- He smiled and walked towards Law.- I also wanted to thank you for everything you did for me.
-That's my job, no need to thank me.- he replied feeling a bit awkward.

Yours Forever (LawLu)Where stories live. Discover now