Fluff!!! Dr Livesey x reader pt.3

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(Y/N) looked at her bandaged wrists and smiled. By no means was she upset over them getting a tiny case of ropeburn. On the contrary, she viewed it as a symbol of her and Dr Livesey's love. The burns wouldnt scar or be permanent, but even if that were the case, itd be a sweet, sexy reminder of the night her and her husband shared in an old house in bristol. No matter how gentle or rough their sex was, Dr Livesey was always sure to take good care of (Y/N) afterward. Whether all she needed was to have her hair pet, or to have something bandaged and have her stay in bed the next day to fully recover. "Im so lucky to have him.." (Y/N) thought to herself "most women dont have spouses like mine. Mine takes care of all my needs and I try my best to take care of his, other husbands either just take and take and take, or their wives just take and take and never show any appreciation."
She laid back on the pure, clean, and soft bed sheets her and her husband slept on. Dr Livesey had her rest for the day once they made it back to London. Anytime she tried to get up and walk, her lower half would cramp and she'd almost immediatley lay back down. As much as (Y/N) enjoyed rough sessions with Dr Livesey, she both loved and hated the morning after. The painful, yet non-regretful morning after. Most of the day had gone by and (Y/N) couldnt wait for her husband to get home. Neither of them planned on having sex or even foreplaying, they just wanted to see and hold eachother again. (Y/N) held Livesey's pillow in anticipation and nibbled it gently.
Evening rolled around and in walked Dr Livesey. A little tired but happy to see his wife, he removed his shoes and coat and laid down next to her, holding her close.
"Evening, my sweet (Y/N)" he kissed her cheek "how was your day?"
"Uneventful, just recovering from last night. I suppose no news is good news though" she smiled.
Dr Livesey pet her gently and laid her on his chest. "Good to hear. Sorry about your wrists and- well.. your um.. flower."
"Tch, Love, I dont mind it at all. If anything, its a reminder of how much you love me."
(Y/N) cupped his face and kissed him.

The sun had set. (Y/N) and her husband, Dr Livesey, had stripped down and got ready for bed. They rarely did this, Livesey and (Y/N) loved to sleep naked together. Something about having skin-to-skin contact and being close and intimate, but not sexual, just felt right. It was like a trust thing almost, they trusted in one another to accept what they saw on their partner, as well as themself. That, and Dr Livesey just felt really good against (Y/N)'s skin. His skin was soft yet still felt masculine, it was comforting. Just his presence really, nude or dressed, was comforting for (Y/N). No matter where or when, the circumstance, the time, as long as Dr Livesey was around, (Y/N) felt secure. Sure, she could handle herself on her own and take care of herself, but she loved having Livesey around.
Dr Livesey was fast asleep, but (Y/N) was wide awake. The couple was still in the same position they were in, Livesey's right hand gently placed on (Y/N)'s head, his left arm wrapped around her waist, (Y/N)'s arms curled up to chest, and her head resting on Livesey's chest., listening to his heart beat. Because (Y/N) was lying on top of him, she had to carefully move so as to not wake him. Of course, nothing bad would happen if Dr Livesey woke up, (Y/N) would just feel bad. Slowly, she slid her arms up to Dr Livesey's face and cupped his cheeks carefully. (Y/N) had no sexual or malicious intentions, she just wanted to admire her husband for who and what he was. As she looked into her lover's sleeping face, all the memories flooded in. The evening they met, the time (Y/N) was introduced to Jim and how nervous he was, the day Livesey proposed, their wedding day, their first time which also was (Y/N)'s first time, the first time they told eachother "I love you".
Tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped onto Dr Livesey's chest. (Y/N) couldnt fight her tears or her smile, she loved Dr Livesey, her dear husband, with all her heart. She carefully snaked her arms around him as best as she could, praying he'd stay asleep. "I love you so much, David... You mean the world to me... you are the world to me..."
(Y/N) thought she was being quiet enough, but Dr Livesey heard every word from her mouth. "Dear, why are you still awake? Are you alright? Its very late..."
Dr Livesey gently held her by the chin and looked at her with concern. (Y/N) sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I'm ok, Love. Honest. I was just reminiscing in my memories with you. I honestly cant remember the last time I was as happy as I am now with you."
Touched by her sweet, honest words, Dr Livesey hugged her tightly and planted kisses all over her face and neck. (Y/N) giggled and wiggled. "David! Love! That tickles! Nooo!" She squealed happily.
Dr Livesey smiled and nuzzled her gently. "I love you so much, (Y/N). Im glad I make you happy. Im not sure what I did to deserve such an angel for a wife, but I dont regret it one bit."
"Me Neither" (Y/N) smiled and rested her head on his chest again, gently tracing her fingers across him "I make you happy too, right?"
"(Y/N), my flower, if you did not make me the happiest man in London, would I not tell you each and every night and day I love you? Would I not satisfy you almost every night? Would I have not asked you to marry me? Would I not do my best to make you happy?"
(Y/N) sighed happily and shook her head. "No, I suppose not..."
Dr Livesey pat her head and pulled the blankets up higher.
"Goodnight, David." (Y/N) purred.
Dr Livesey kissed her forehead one last time.
"Goodnight, (Y/N), my love."

If u made it this far u get 3 gold stars :>

I love this man so much omg

Im tempted to do a soft-smut ending for this chapter, but i also kinda like how it ends as it is :^)

Idk lol

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