Chapter 2

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Nami unwillingly laid awake in her bed, tossing and turning for what seemed like hours on end now. It also seemed as if lately, whenever she did manage to fall asleep, she'd awake drenched in her own sweat, hunched over, and lungs void of air due to her night terrors.

It started the day she saw his picture in the newspaper. He was completely enveloped in bandages, and the sorrowful look upon his bruised face caused her heart to shatter. However, the day she saw the tattered scar across his chest when they reunited on Sabaody, she mentally broke down. It was a continual reminder of her failure to help her Captain.

Suddenly, Luffy's onyx eyes flashed in her head, the catalyst to her dilema, and Robin's words began to echo in her ears making it increasingly difficult to drift back off to a fitful rest.

"I think you have nothing to worry about."

She still remembered the way her heart began to beat erratically as if it were going a million miles per minute when he gazed in her direction from across the deck. Had she really never noticed his glances before Robin pointed them out?

Often times, the navigator would avoid leering in his direction unless she found it absolutely necessary, so that may be why. The reason? She refused to lose herself in his "pace" (as Law would say), his deep ebony orbs, or the crevices of his very chiseled chest and what occurred days prior was solid proof of that. It felt... wrong. Luffy was not only her Captain, but also her friend and she knew better. 

Nevertheless, Nami had it bad, really bad. She placed a hand over her chest to ensure her heart wouldn't leap out and soon, she found herself imagining a multitude of scenarios that involved the raven-haired man. Most of which only caused her current predicament to worsen.

Snap out of it, Nami...

She propped herself up on her elbow to look at the wall clock and it read "2:53 AM".

Surely Robin wouldn't be awake, would she?

Nami peered over at her sleeping companion and saw the steady rise and fall of her chest. Sighing internally, she eased herself up, peeling the covers off of her with a quiet grunt. Now that venting to her raven-haired friend was out of the question, she settled on clearing her head instead. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and cautiously tip-toed her way out the door, slowly shutting it behind her.

The navigator was on a mission to clear her mind of the pestering thoughts that dominated her. Her legs moved on their own, carrying her to the place she felt the most at ease. Upon stepping off the jagged wooden steps, she stopped abruptly in her tracks. There he was sitting on the guardrail, the object of all her desires.

Seriously? Now??

She tactfully took a step back in attempts to sneakily slip away since Luffy had his back to her, but little did the Navigator know, her Captain had already felt her approach with his Haki since the moment she set foot on the cool, Adam wood floor; an ability she had yet grown accustomed to.

She held her breath as the soft blades of grass crunched slightly under her bare feet.



Luffy gazed at her from over his shoulder and he sported a weary grin, his eyes deprived of sleep.

"Can't sleep?" she asked softly, now sauntering over to her Captain's side. She internally scolded herself, now feeling the irony of the circumstances, but she was drawn in by the way he huskily called out her name.

"Nah, not really. I thought I'd get some fresh air since the fridge was locked." he pouted frivolously. 

Nami gripped the guardrail and leaped on, swinging her legs over so that they were dangling next to his. His left thigh was gently brushing against her right, and Nami just about lost it. She already felt extremely flustered at the mere thought of him, so touching made everything that must worse.

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