Bonus chapter: From her eyes

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The plan, the plan failed they found out and her father will get executed including her, how did it come up to this she didn't do anything wrong, why is this happening to her she watched tia came and berate her and she took every hit personally till she showed eyes that resembles hers, the imperial eyes and there was only one answer to it, she was alive athanasia was alive all this time and she had a family something she wanted ever since she was born, of course her descendants wouldn't do anything for her she took her mothers birth right

Jeannette finally understand everything they used her no one really liked her they didn't care for her, all the promises they promised her wasn't real they weren't true she was just a puppet for them to use, for the longest she thought how pitiful athanasia was when all along it was her she was truly the pitiful princess and athanasia was the freed one, the one who got away,the only one who truly cared for her

All the people she thought loved her and called her the lovely princess didn't hesitate to throw all those harsh words towards her, none of it was real they all hated her and wanted her dead she was truly pitiful she watched her aunt die and she was next, she wondered if athanasia was in audience watching her execution like she did to hers, she wondered if she was also cheering or was she sadden by what was happening to her, she yelled for her niece to help her but she didn't even spare her a look

She watched her body get beaten and thrown by rocks by commoners, she was now a soul without a body she let her body go to different places where she'll watch families be together till her body stopped to a big nice house she saw a girl no older than eight playing with a doll that looked familiar she walked towards her sat besides her she noticed how the doll looked like the one she gave her niece and she took a good look at the girl beside her she looked like her cousin, she gasped realizing where she is




Jeannette followed her inside realizing who she is, it was one of athanasia's kids she was confused as of why she didn't have blue imperial eyes but red eyes, she walked inside only to see a beautiful pregnant athanasia she smiled at her daughter

" honey you shouldn't be outside this late, I don't want you to get hurt"

" sorry mama"

" it's okay let me give you a warm bath then you can eat and go to sleep okay"

" okay" Roxana nodded Jeannette watched them leave with jealousy and sadness, athanasia had what she wanted and how happy she was now, she looked at their family pictures and see how happy everyone is, she cried seeing all of her nieces and nephews she tried touching them or talking to them to see if they'll noticed her but they didn't

" goodnight my angels"

" goodnight mom" it was now only athanasia and Jeannette. She watched her pregnant cousin fixed her family portrait that was tilted

"Hello Jeannette it's been awhile since we last seen each other" athanasia said Jeannette eyes widen, does she knows I'm here

" I know your here I can see you" she said

" sister" Jeannette said which caused athanasia snicker

"Cousins, we're cousin's" Jeannette stared at her belly in silence athanasia noticed and placed her hand on her stomach smiling

" what can I say I love being on top of my husband I forget it has it's consequences but I am excited for them to be born" (wink wink😏)

" it's been awhile, my daughter told me what happened how you knew the former emperor was alive and how you tried to adopt her"

" athanasia I'm"-

"Don't I do not want to hear it" athanasia raised her hand up interrupting her

" it's funny seeing you like this, it was usually the other way around"

" you finally realized you were always the pitiful one and not me Jeannette, how no one actually liked or cared about you that you were just a tool" Jeannette eyes widened by her sisters words athanasia was no longer that nice sweet girl she knew

" seriously Jeannette it was so obvious everyone knew it but you it's sad but hey what can you do about it now"

" aww come on don't give me that look, I didn't want you die if that's what you wanted to hear" athanasia walked closer to her

" I forgive you Jeannette, I did a long time ago" athanasia smiled at her, relief washer over her athanasia her dear sister still loved her but she noticed how there was something that off about her smile, athanasia held her cheek well near her cheek

" you only did walked the trail everyone created for you, including the one I built for you" athanasia said those were the last words she heard before her soul faded away

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