𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1:𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕

A young blonde panted harshly on her knees at the surface of the water, chakra barely keeping her up. Her blood was running heavily from the tears on her shoulders down to her hands, dripping heavily and mixing quickly with the glass-like, flowing floor below her. Black and orange clothing torn and muddied, a large patch of crimson was spreading from her chest. Her azure eyes reflecting the light of the full moon as she looked up intensely at coal black eyes. The raven, who was in similar condition but with a long claw mark running across his torso, returned the strong gaze, supporting his upper weight on his thighs.

The teenage woman finally broke the eye contact, looking down at the dark depths of the water, a small smile tugging her lips despite the situation. She shakily stood up, the red coat's black flames dripping with cold water, and straightened to connect with his dark eyes once more.

"Sometimes I wonder…" the soft whisper escaped her lips, "'If I had the chance to go back, what would I say to my past self?'

"I've been thinking about that since I was learning the art of seals with Ero-sennin… We never got to find a jutsu that could send us back in time, though—I abandoned the idea after he died." A hopeless smile touched her lips. "But now I think… If I tried harder, would I have been able to stop all this from happening? Would I have been able to stop this tragedy?"

The male teen had his hands balled to fists, and a pained look flickered through his eyes as he slightly tilted his head down. The black and orange clad blonde didn't notice it, however; she had turned her head towards the white moon that hung amongst the darkness, accompanied with bright twinkling stars. "It's too late now," she whispered ruefully. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she bowed her head, wiping away the flow that didn't seem to end with her sleeve.

His sandals caused ripples to form with each step as the man walked closer to her, slowly bringing his hand to touch her hair. It was mere centimeters away from reaching it, before he dropped it by his side again.

"I'm… sorry, Naruto."

Naruto looked up in shock with moist blue eyes, more tears flowing down her cheeks, lips parted slightly. Forcing a small laugh, she quickly rubbed her wet cheeks. "Did Itachi punch some sense into your thick skull, Sasuke? I've never heard you apologize in, what? Three years?" Feeling a sense of relaxation wash over her, she daringly stepped forward, leaning her head on his chest as she wrapped his comparatively large hands with her small ones. "Your eyes look different."

Sasuke's eyes flashed with unrestrained surprise, before a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. He took his hands away from hers, ignoring the slight tense of Naruto's shoulders. He then enveloped his hands over them, much like she tried to do, and rested his head atop hers. "Usuratonkachi."

Naruto's eyes grew wide, and new teardrops formed at the corner of her eyes. Sasuke loosened his hands from hers, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her. Hands free, Naruto brought it to clench his shirt at his chest, crying harder.

"Since when were you such a crybaby?"

The two stayed in the same position until Naruto finally calmed down, fully satisfied of releasing all her pent up emotions. Sniffles were what were left compared to the bawling she had done earlier, and Naruto finally let go of him. "I'm not a crybaby, you jerk." She softly punched him, her hit so light Sasuke wondered if she had even done it at all.

"You do realize… that I am your enemy, right?" Sasuke panted, still as tired as she from their fight.

"You will never be. I never thought of you… being anything else other than as my best friend…" Naruto smiled weakly, exhaustion starting to take over. "Though I guiltily admit… I had always wished—"

"Naruto!" Sasuke caught her before she fell, "Oi! Get up!"

Her eyes had become unfocused, before she managed to bring a hand up to cup the man's cheek. "Sorry, Sasuke… I'm sleepy."

Naruto pulled the last grin she can make, taking in Sasuke's features one last time.

Though I guiltily admit… I had always wished we were more than best friends. Sasuke's face blurred, and Naruto felt her eyes droop. But… I was still alright with the close friendship we had. I was happy with you just being at my side. Naruto lifted the corner of her pale, chapped lips. And I can rest in peace knowing that you're back to me. Even if it was only for a short while.

"No, Naruto! Don't sleep, dammit!" Sasuke desperately shook her shoulders, eyes widening in terror as the girl's eyes slid shut slowly.

Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto is now gone from this world.

Sasuke shook his head; Naruto would be gone after a day has passed. He unzipped her jacket and lifted her shirt to reveal her stomach, ignoring the glowing seal. Biting his thumb, he drew blood, using the red liquid as replacement for ink. He drew squiggles and kanji characters over the jinchuuriki seal. The preparation of the jutsu complete, he felt his life force draining away at a rapid speed, into the blonde woman in front of him.

His fingers combed through the tangled golden tresses, thumb wiping away the last teardrops that had escaped her eyes.

He slowly formed the handseals, and on the last one he uttered the jutsu, the wind carrying the whisper.

Thank you, Naruto. Thank you for believing me… after all this time… Sasuke's lips curved into a gentle smile as he weaved his fingers with the blonde's. Thank you, and... His form collapsed next to Naruto, and rolled over to face the vast, midnight sky.


Surrounded by a beam of light, Naruto disappeared.

Crimson, demonic eyes snapped open as the ground the beast laid in shook. He hadn't died as fast as his blonde jinchuuriki did, though he did feel quite drained. Taking in the light that shone out from the doors where his captor's memories lie, the many symbols and scribbled kanji that spread throughout the area, Kurama instantly knew what was going on. He did not need to read the seal to figure what was occurring, and the fox sighed heavily.

That stupid Uchiha brat.

What Naruto saw in the reckless and idiotic boy, he would never know. But one thing's for sure; the Uchiha brat didn't have enough chakra to even send her back to their newly genin days. Even if he did, Naruto wouldn't have time to stop everything.

Well, at least Uchiha put his life into her, so Kurama wouldn't have a problem with that.

The demon forced his chakra out in one giant blast.

You owe me a hell of a lot for this, Uzumaki brat. Kurama muttered inwardly, settling his head back on his folded arms. Though, I know you'll push some more favors out of me in the future—or should I say past?

♥︎|𝕹𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖔 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌?|♥︎Where stories live. Discover now