Chapter 1

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The orange-haired navigator was leaned against the guardrail of the ship overlooking the infinite turquoise sea. She inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh scent of salt and was entranced by the continuous roaring of waves around her. The gentle bobbing of the Sunny gave her an immense sense of calm, like a mother lulling their child to sleep. The New World held countless possibilities for unusual weather, this she knew. She had spent endless hours on Weatheria studying it's patterns, therefore she was not opposed to taking advantage of the calmer moments.

It had been two months since the infamous Mugiwara crew, at long last, reunited after two lengthy years. Two lengthy years to train, to become stronger, to become more aware of their purpose and to ensure they would never be separated again. For the navigator, it was two years too many. She immersed herself in learning new things to distract her mind from thoughts of him. Thoughts that crept in without warning, and even though she often scolded herself and denied it to be true, it was already too late for further denial.

She wasn't aware of when or how it started, but when she would often wake up to her arms outstretched as if reaching for him and his name escaping her lips like a prayer, she knew. Her heart ached for her captain and it was almost as if there was a void in her, a void that only he could fill.

As she saw her raven-haired captain running to the Thousand Sunny back on Sabaody, she felt as if the air that filled her lungs, had been mercilessly stolen from her, and only then did she truly comprehend the meaning of being able to take someone's breath away.  His features were more defined, his large owlish eyes looked somewhat older, and even though he was still her rambunctious, rubber-brained, goofball captain; there was an aura of maturity that surrounded him. She felt an extreme sense of fulfillment at his side, and she decided that this was where she was destined to be.

"Nami-San?... Nami-San?"

Snapping out of her daze she turned to see who the voice belonged to and was met with the bonehead (yohohoho) musician.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something, Brook?" She asked while tucking a long strand of orange hair behind her ear.

"Hai, Nami-San. I apologize for disturbing you however the moment just felt right to ask; May I see your pa-?"

Brook was suddenly sent skidding across the deck."How many times must I tell you no!" yelled Nami with sharp teeth, a vein popping out of her temple while she balled her first in the air.

Robin giggled as she witnessed the exchange between them. She too was enjoying the temperate weather, and was sitting in her lounge chair a few feet away reading her favorite novel.

"Quite distracted today, aren't we, Nami?"

Nami raked her fingers through her hair with a huff and walked over to occupy the empty lounge chair that was beside the raven-haired archeologist.

"Who me?"

"Yes, you. Ever since our reunion I have noticed at times that you seem to be in a daze and rather pensive. Is everything alright?". Robin asked, carefully folding the corner of a page out of her book so she wouldn't lose her place and closed it shut to give Nami her full attention.

Nami laid back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest, humming out loud while she pondered at Robin's question.

"I think so.. I've just been thinking a lot lately about how, even though I'm so grateful for everything I learned on Weatheria with Haredas-San, I missed this feeling. I missed you, all the crew, I missed the Sunny, the feeling of being out at sea. There's no other place I'd rather be than here with all of you".

Robin smiled brightly at Nami's confession and turned so that she was facing her. She bent forward and softly whispered to Nami, cupping a hand around her mouth so the others wouldn't hear her. "Has a certain rubbery captain also been occupying your thoughts?"

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