Chapter 4

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max's pov

"ya, I don't know." I started as I took another drag from my cig. "I don't know if this is a good idea or not." I finished. "come on max, you a puss?" she asked and I laughed. "I was saying I don't think it's a good idea for you, our fans are crazy sometimes, we love em, but they're an overprotective group."

"I'll be fine, believe me." she said. "alright, fine, tomorrow, noon, your place." I replied and she scoffed. "fuck that, how about now?" she asked. "I'm in." said Tom. "thank you tomakin." she said and we both looked at her. "tomakin?" I asked. "uh, sorry, just thought it a suitable nickname for Tom." she explained and Tom shrugged.

"fine, let's go then." I said and Ellen grinned. "come on." she said and walked back into our house. She went into the living room and jay and Nathan were talking. "we're gunna go to a head shop and buy some weed, get really really baked, then go cause some trouble." she said and jay grinned. "can I come?" he asked.

"the more the merrier." she said he jumped up. "Nathan, you in?" she asked and Nathan started to say no and she gave him a hard stare. "I know you don't usually do fun shit like swimming with sharks or bungie jumping, but don't be a puss." she said and I laughed.

"fine." he said and stood up. She called her dealer and we went and picked up a half. Once we got it we went back to her place and got a clambake going. We ended all lounging around on her living room floor. There was a shag carpet and it was sooooo comfy.

"god I am so stoned." laughed Ellen and we all started giggling. "bu ya know? Hand the bottle over." she said and I looked around for it. The wooden floor of the hallway caught my eyes. There were patterns and I just stared at it, mesmerized for a while. "guys, where's the bottle?" I asked and all four of em looked at me. "why would you ask for the bottle?" asked max. "cause you wanted it!" I asked to Ellen. "that was like ten minutes ago?" she said and everyone started laughing.

"alright guys, it's five olcock, are all of you pretty fucking high and drunk?" asked Ellen and we all nodded and laughed. "alright, well I." she started and took another chug. "am going to get up." she continued and rolled onto her side. She tried to get up and put her hands on jays shoulders to steady herself.

"where you going?" asked jay as he put his hands on her hips and held her steady. "yo, pass the alcohol." said max, there was shuffling and Ellen laughed. "mate it's empty....Ellen, did you finish it?" asked jay and she burst out laughing. She doubled over and leaned on his head. "I might have.

"dam she is plastered." he chuckled. "anyway, I'm pretty drunk and i am pretty high, so are you guys gonna be fine alone here for like half an hour?" she asked. "ya, why?" I asked. "well, I was just gunna pop out and find someone to have sex with." she said and tried to walk, but almost fell.

"what?" we all asked. "well, I'm just gunna go bang someone, I have sex a lot, sort of a sex addict so, I'm gunna do that." she finished and took a step, then fell right into Nathan. "so you're just going to have sex with some stranger?" i asked. She shuffled around, still laying in nathans lap, but she turned her head to us. "yup, I do it a lot, but I'm preferably going to find someone who will do it rough." she slurred as she tried to roll and sit up in nathans lap, but was having a lot of trouble.

she put her hands on his legs and pushed up, she managed to roll half off of his lap, but not all the way. "who wants to help me to the door?" she asked. "I don't think it's safe for you to go out." said jay and she looked at him. "don't tell me!" she yelled and we all laughed.

She started grabbing her butt and we all looked at each other. She finally got her iPhone and we all laughed. She started messing with it and put it up to her ear. "who are you calling?" asked max. "someone." she said. "sir? My place, now, please." she said and I heard laughter from the other side of the phone. "I'm pretty gone, come over, please." she begged.

"really? He is, bring him to!" she said excitedly and rolled around on Nathan. "alright, I'll be waiting." she said, then hung up and tossed the phone. "YAYA!!!! Idont have to go out!" she slurred. "here." she said and pulled out a lighter. She put a joint up to her lips and flicked the bic.

She lit it up and took a huge inhale. She held it in, then let it out and coughed. "fuck is that strong." she coughed and handed it to jay. He took it and puffed. He coughed really loudly and sent it to me. When I puffed I fell into a coughing fit and Ellen laughed at me.

There was a knock on the door and Ellen squealed. "come in!" she yelled and the door opened. Two boys walked in. One about six foot with shortish black hair and brown eyes. He looked well built, but not like a body builder, just fit. The other boy was smaller around 5'10, he was skinny, but looked like he could hold his own in a fight. He had brown hair that was a bit longer than the other boys, along with blue eyes.

"Jacob! Brian!" yelled Ellen. "what have I told you about leaving your door unlocked?" growled the bigger one. "Brian, I'm sorry, I forogt." she mispronounced the last word. "well, we'll just have to teach you better now won't we?" he asked with a big smirk on his face and Jacob chuckled.

Ellen shivered from nathans lap and she looked happy, excited and scared all at the same time. "and who are these boys?" asked Jacob. "it's the wanted! You know! Those five boys I love in that band!" she said and Jacob smiled. "happy you finally met em, fucked any of em yet?" he asked. "no, not yet." said Ellen sadly. "but you two are here." she added quickly and Brian nodded.

"yes, any maybe tonight we can teach you to finally lock your doors." growled Brian. "or we could send Daniel here to break in and teach you what happens when your doors are unlocked and rapists break in." added Jacob and Ellen shivered and I saw something dark cross her face. "nah, she'd like it to much." said Brian.

Jacob laughed "you can see it all over her face, she'd love it." Brian grinned. "maybe we'll just send a girl over? How about zoey with the cane?" suggested Brian. "or Daniel, I like that idea better." she said and Brian snapped at her. "come on." he said and walked over. "get up." he order. Ellen rolled around but couldn't manage to stand.

"god she's so out of it, looks like we'll be doing all the work tonight." chuckled Jacob. "Ellen, can you get up?" asked Brian and Ellen shook her head. He reached down and put his hand around her neck, pulling her up. She let out a little whimper and he pulled her against him. "give me a few hours boys, foods in the fridge, there's a tv and music, amuse yourselves." said Ellen and Brian picked her up.

"Jacob, grab the shit from the closet." ordered Brian as he carried Ellen into another room. Jacob ran into the closet and grabbed a bag, then followed brain and shut the door. "what the fuck was that?" asked tom and I shrugged. "I have rightfully no clue." I answered. "she wants to have sex with us." said jay and we all laughed. "oh course that's where your heads at." laughed Nathan.

There was a loud bang as something, or someone was slammed into the bedroom door followed by a cry. "is she ok?" asked Nathan, I stumbled up and hit the wall to steady myself. I walked over and banged on the door. "Ellen? Are you alright?" I asked. "she's fine." answered brian. "I want to hear her say it." I replied.

"her mouths a little busy at the moment." chuckled Brian. "max, I'm fine." said Ellen. "did I say you could stop bitch!" shouted Jacob and I heard a slap. "I'm sorry sir." whimpered Ellen. "sir, may I please explain to max I'm ok?" she asked. "ten with the belt if you do." said Jacob and there was silence for a moment.

"max?" she asked. "yes Ellen?" I replied. "I'm fine, no matter what I say or you hear, ignore it, I'm fine, go turn on the radio." she added, then silence. "that's all the talking she can do." said Brian. I sighed and walked back over to the boys. I cranked the radio and ironically enough, I found you was playing.

"well...I guess she's fine." I said. "but, they're hurting her." said Nathan and I shrugged. "she likes it, who cares?" I asked. "ya, kinky shit, but who cares I'm so down for it." said jay as he took another shot. "of course you are bird." I laughed. "and you aren't?" asked jay. "well, ya, but you called her first." I said. "if you won't hit that, then I will." I added and jay laughed. "deal." he said and I shook his hand.


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