*Chapter 1: Rayna's Brothers*

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It has been 15 times the rains had come and gone, and Bagheera would often stop by Rama's pack to see how Rayna the girl-cub was getting along. She was a favorite among all of the cubs of the pack. Rayna is now 17 years old with long black hair with a braid on the side. She is wearing her two-piece brown jungle outfit, brown flat shoes, brown wrist bands, and still wore her necklace with a tooth. Over her right eye is a scar she has for 10 years. Shere Khan attacked her and her brothers in the open and left her a mark over her eye. Rayna is lucky to have her father, Bagheera, and Akela to protect her from the tiger. Ever since that day, Rayna had been learning how to survive by making her own spear and learn how to hunt along with her brother, Grey. Her other three wolf brothers pick on Rayna for the way she hunts and the wolf lessons.
Rayna is running through the jungle with the wolves. She uses trees to get to higher ground, but one branch gave in and made Rayna fall to the ground. Her wolf brothers caught up with her. Scout, the light grey wolf with brown eyes laughed at her and ran pass her.

"Nice try, girl-cub!" He giggled. Rayna sighed. Roan, the dark grey wolf with gold eyes like Rama's, joined in. Then the white-grey wolf, Onyx, jumped over her. The three ran off to beat Rayna to the den. Rayna brushes off the dirt and walked as Grey walked beside her.

"Ignore them, sis. They always think they are better." Grey said. "You were faster this time."

"I was, but the branch snapped. If it hadn't, I would've made it." Rayna said after she caught her breath.

"You know you always have to stay to the ground. Wolves can't climb trees." Grey reminded her. Rayna hated certain rules the wolves had given her. In lessons, she can't use trees to get ahead, and she isn't allowed to use "tricks". Rayna knew she is not a wolf. She's just a girl raised by wolves. The only trick she is allowed to use is her spear to defend herself from any predator or fishing.
Bagheera watched the two walked toward the dens. The panther felt bad for Rayna. She is the favorite among the pack, yet she still has so much to learn at her age. Most cubs of the pack grew fast, but for Rayna, she liked to take some time. Bagheera jumped on the nearby tree and lay on the branch as the wolf cubs came out to see Rayna and Grey.

"Rayna's back!" They said with laughter. Rayna smiled and kneeled down to pet them. One of them jumped on her and lick her face, making her giggle. Grey chuckled and went up to the council rock with Rama and the others. Raksha sat next to Rayna as the cubs were told to settle down. Raksha could tell by the look of Rayna's face that the lesson didn't go well.

"How did it go, dear?" She asked.

"I...I fell from a tree." Rayna said quietly. Raksha sighed a bit. "I know. I know. Wolves don't climb trees. Stupid branch snapped."

"You'll be a fine wolf yet, Rayna." Raksha told her. Rayna smiled at her wolf mother. She turned to the wolves at the council rock. Rama turned his head back and gave Rayna a loving smile, he gave her a nod. Rayna smiled back at him.

"Look well, wolves." Akela spoke on the rock. "Let me hear our jungle law!" They all got ready, even Rayna and the younger cubs as they recited the law of the jungle. Rayna mesmerized the words ever since she was small.

"This is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky. The wolf that keeps it may prosper, but the wolf that breaks it will die. Like the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth over and back. For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."

Then they finished with a proud howl made by Akela, then the wolves howled after him while other pack members howled. Even Rayna howled at this response as a proud member. The wolf cubs howled along with her. Raksha smiled at her daughter and the cubs as they howl together.
Rayna climbed up the tree to join Bagheera to watch the sunset. Bagheera has been her guardian and close friend since the beginning. They take walks around the jungle, but only where the wolves hunt. Shere Khan is still out there in the jungle. Rayna slightly touched her scars. She shudders when she remembers the pain.

"Hard to forget that day." Bagheera spoke. "You had me scared there."

"You, Akela, and father saved me and Grey. I will never forget the pain Shere Khan has given me." Rayna said. She couldn't get the look of Shere Khan's face out of her head. He wanted her dead. Rayna let out a sigh. "Will that tiger ever quit, Bagheera? What have I done to deserve such a scar?" Rayna asked. Bagheera sat up on the branch and face her.

"He hates man, Rayna. He hates man with vengeance." He told her. "He is sworn to kill you. You were small then." Rayna couldn't remember her past as a small child, only the memories of the wolves who raised her. Bagheera could tell her the story but needs permission from Rama. Rayna must know about her real family. And one of these days, she must be with her own kind. "You understand you were the adopted member of the wolf pack." Bagheera said.

"Yes. I don't have fur or claws. But I know how to make animal calls. I've been working on a bird call." Rayna said. She cups her mouth and makes a strange bird call. The wolves look up at Rayna with looks on their faces.

"What was that?" Onyx asked.

"Sounds like a pregnant buffalo." Scout joked with a snort. Rayna made a look at them. Then a small falcon arrived and land on another branch. It is Chil.

"Seems like you have heard Rayna's call." Bagheera spoke with a small smile. Chil shook her wings.

"And I thought it was something important." Chil said. Rayna giggled. Her bird call worked this time. Chil is the bird that spreads a word all over the jungle when something happened, either good or bad. "Nice to see you, but I must return to my nest. Next time, call when there is something urgent." Chil said as she spread her wings and flew away from the wolves' den.
Rama and his sons were about to hunt for the night. Grey asked Rayna if she could join them, but one of the brothers laughed.

"Don't bring the girl-cub along. Last time she hunts with us was awful. She chased after the prey before the signal." Scout said. Rayna glared at the wolf.

"She will never be a greater wolf." Roan joined in. "She's a freak."

"That is enough!" Rama said in a raised voice, making his sons flinch. "Rayna is part of our pack. You all need to treat her like family. For years you have been taunting her."

"Father." Rayna spoke. "I'm going to stay home for the night. I'll join you next time." She won't let her brothers get the better of her.

"All right then. Rest well, daughter." Rama said. Grey gave Rayna a wink before leaving with his family. Rayna walked in the den and took off her shoes. Raksha watched her laying on her spot. Rayna let out a yawn before closing her eyes. Tomorrow is another day. The day she will go on a stroll on her own to look for more collections.

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