Where The Wind Blows

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It was a bliss to be back in the Illyrian mountains. I couldn't get enough of the cool air. Next to me, I heard Uncle Cassian gulp in the air too. The sound continued for a while. I looked at him mostly in concern and regretted doing so. Uncle Cassian's eyes were glued onto Aunt Nesta , his face almost purple and she had a knowing smile. That explained the deep breaths from Cassian. Hypnos snorted from a corner. I winced and walked towards him.

Everyone had rejoiced at the news of Nesta's pregnancy. Few months in, the pregnancy symptoms had made Nesta 'ever more beautiful' as Elain said and 'yum' as Cassian said.

Hypnos sighed and inspected his nails, "I don't understand why a future High Lord has to visit the Illyrian mountains. I'm not even an Illyrian."

I tsked at him. "You're gonna suck as a High Lord."

He sighed again, "That's what I told dad."

I never envied my younger brother for having the title as future High Lord. I saw the physical and mental toll the title had on him but I knew that Hypnos would suffer worse if thinks that he won't do well as a High Lord. I think everyone in the inner circle knew without a doubt that Hypnos would match Rhys's skill as a High Lord and maybe even go beyond and so.

It was hard to ignore the look on his face on those nights spent in the river and on starfalls. His face betrayed the insecurities he had about being High Lord. It was pure pride that shone on his face those days.

Hypnos's only probable fault as a High Lord was his hatred towards the Illyrians and the Court of Nightmares. But my Illyrian heritage gave me a role as Hypnos's advisor on the Illyrians in the future and my younger sister, Aether, born under the rocks of the Court of Nightmare will act as an advisor for them.

I had often wondered if our birth was destined from the beginning. It can't be a coincidence that the Night court had three "royals" that fitted the descriptions of each three districts of the night court.

"What are you thinking about? "Hypnos asked nonchalantly.

I looked at him wondering if I should voice my question. "Do you think it was a coincidence that the three of us were born?"

"What do you mean? "Hypnos asked.

"Is it not fateful that three children of the Night Court is perfect for the three tribes of the Night Court?"

Hypnos hummed. "It is very likely that the Cauldron might've planned this from the beginning. We are indeed a unique trio. I doubt the Night Court will get a trio of heirs like us again."

"But why now?"

Hypnos tilted his head, "You want to know what I think? I think a big danger is lurking for us." He paused, his forehead frowning. " Think about it. The Lady of the Winter Court was pregnant during the same period as Mum. And now the Winter Court has already decided upon an heir. Then there are the three of us. Shortly after, Tamlin ends up with a bastard daughter. Helion has Lucien. Thesan announced his nephew as heir. Beron has had potential heirs for ages. And Tarquin's lady has been announced to be pregnant just a few days ago."

"So, all the courts are having heirs." I said helplessly.

"Right, something is coming and it's coming for the new heirs."

I shuddered. "How long do you think we have?"

"It should take an awful long time until all of us are appointed rulers. Dad is a long way from retirement. The only courts suitable for new leaders are the Spring and Autumn courts and that alone might take years."

I sighed in relief.

"I'm heading back home now. Are you coming?" Hypnos asked as he rearranged his coat.. I turned to look for Cassian and Nesta but found the place empty.

"They're probably groping each other under some poor tree. They'll come back when they're done." my brother smiled.


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