006 | enemies

661 40 3


I haven't been able to get Haeun off my mind for the whole day. She did get my attention from the start with her silver bracelet and glance at me but I received a different vibe from her when I was told to demonstrate blocks and attacks with her. The way Haeun moved and fought is something I have never seen before yet it still feels like I have.

There is something about that girl and I can't figure out what it is.

I think Haeun knows something, she definitely knows something. I mean, why else would Haeun act the way she does right now if she didn't know anything? Or is it just me who's being delusional right now? It's only been two days since university started after all.

"I should call Jay" I said to myself as I took out my phone from my pocket.

"I'm already here" Jay voice's appeared.

I turned around and softly smiled while I looked at Jay. He smiled back at me and joined me on the balcony I was standing on. Jay rested his back against the fence while I continued to rest my elbows on the fence while I looked at the scenery in front of me.

"You know Haeun, our classmate Haeun?" I asked.

"Yes I know, why? Do you like her?" Jay asked back.

"No. I just think she knows" I answered.

"She knows? How?" Jay responded puzzled.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. But you saw our demonstrated fight, the way Haeun fought and moved was something different. I believe she even tried to trick me with a pure silver bracelet on the first day" I said.

"She sounds interesting.." Jay replied while nodding.

I turned my body around so I was standing like Jay. I looked at him, he was standing with crossed arms and a smirk was on his lips. It is too easy to read his mind right now, it's obvious what he is thinking about.

"Haeun is already mine, choose someone else" I said with a smirk.

"That's not fair! You already have Miyeon" Jay replied.

"Yes and you also have those biology girls wrapped around your finger" I stated.

"Shall we compete? See which one of us gets Haeun first" Jay asked proudly.

"Only if you don't get upset when I get Haeun first" I answered and crossed my arms just like Jay.

We shaked hands as a sign the bet had started. My fangs have already been craving her Haeun's neck since university started and now when I made this bet with Jay are the craving rising.

I can already tell this will not be an easy task, something Jay definitely thinks it is. That's another reason why I want to win this bet, I want to bring down his ego a little bit.

"I will head back home now, it's getting late" Jay suddenly said.

I watched him disappear before I decided to walk downstairs. While I walked down the stairs, I saw my father sitting in the living room, staring at the blank TV in front of him with a glass of wine in his hand.

My father noticed my presence but continued to stare at the blank TV while drinking his wine.

"How's university so far?" My father asked.

"Okay I guess. It's only been two days so I can't say much" I answered while I took out a drink from the refrigerator.

"Can I ask you something?" I added.

I walked up to my father and took a seat next to him. My father placed the wine on the table and fixed his sitting position to a more casual one instead of a comfortable one.

"Have you ever had someone after you?" I asked.

"It's been only two days at university and you are already making yourself some enemies?" My father responded with a soft chuckle.

"But to answer your question, yes. There is a type of humans out there who are threatened by our presence in their world and thereafter have gotten the assignment to kill us" My father said.

"What?" I asked out of confusion.

"They call themselves hunters. Hunters believe they are the ones who are hunting monsters but in reality are they the monsters themselves" My father said.

"Is that the type of enemy you have made? Is someone after you because they are threatened by your presence like a hunter?" My father asked and I slowly nodded.

At least it feels like Haeun is threatead by my existence as a vampire.

"Now I need you to tell me the name of the person who's after you?" My father added.

"Haeun, Bae Haeun" I answered.

My father immediately stood up after I said Haeun's name. He started to walk around in the living room while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's definitely their daughter.." My father mumbled for himself.

He sat back on the cough again, but a little bit closer to me this time. My father had a small smile on his face even though I could tell he was confused, surprised and concerned at the same time.

"Her parents used to hunt me and your mother" My father said.

"We thought the chapter with the Bae hunters was over, gone, ripped out of the book and then burned.. But then you created a sequel" My father said while he placed a hand on my shoulder.

My father smiled again while he kept his hand on my shoulder. Thousands of thoughts are running through my head which makes it difficult for me to sort out what is going on right now. But now I understand why my attention had been at her.

I think I am supposed to feel threatened and scared by her, right? But I'm not. We both are aiming for the same goal, we want to kill each other. But unfortunately is there only going to be one winner and that person is going to be me.  

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