Mercy, Pt II

Depuis le début

Hawk: What's wrong with you?

Miguel: She blocked me

Hawk: So, what happens when you get blocked? You counterpunch. Except maybe you don't actually hit her or her sister this time. *Laughs* What, to soon? Look all I'm saying is don't give up

Miguel: It's too late. I blew any shot I had with her

Aisha: Just give Sam some time she'll come around

Hawk: Or she won't. Look you're part of a badass dojo which by the way won the All Valley. You can get any chick in the Valley you want. You're like Drake *Chuckles* enjoy it

After he says this he gets up just as Jack walked through the door and everybody howled

Hawk: El Lobo solitario

Jack chuckles walking towards the table Hawk was sitting at and sat down next to Demetri


Johnny walked into a diner looked around for Kreese found him and the man waved him over so he walked over and sat across Kreese

Kreese: Thanks for coming

Johnny: Let's make this fast

A waitress walked over to take their orders

Waitress: You know what you want?

Johnny: I'm not hungry

Kreese: How's the corned beef hash?

Waitress: It's fine

Kreese: I'll have it well done. And bring me a cup of Sanka. Red-hot. JUst like you, dollface

She nodded and Kreese watched her walk away

Kreese: Mm. Reminds me of a girl I knew in Panama. Spent some time down there in '89, helping the Delta boys get that son of a bitch Noriega

Johnny: What the hell do you want?

Kreese sighs and Johnny glared

Kreese: Are you familiar with brumation?

Johnny crossed his arms and shook his head and Kreese continued to explain

Kreese: In the winter some animals bury themselves in a hole and sleep there for months

Johnny: It's called hibernation

Kreese: No. That's for cold-blooded creatures. For the cold-blooded reptiles like snakes, it's brumation. The snake buries himself in a hole. The only difference is.. the snake doesn't sleep. He stays awake, all winter, waiting for the right moment to emerge. And that moment is now.

Johnny: Oh is it?

Kreese: *Chuckles* Kid... I've been all over the world. After Cobra Kai shut down, I knew I had to keep fighting to stay alive. So, I reenlisted. I ran strikes in Desert Storm, I trained SEALs in Afghanistan. All of the books. Buried, waiting. But when I climbed out of my hole the world wasn't the same. Our society has gotten weak. Kids today are coddled. They get trophies just for showing up. Something gotta be done. Someone's gotta step in and stop the ass-kissing and start the ass-kicking. That's why we're here. The world needs Cobra Kai

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