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"beep" "beep" "be-" 

I roll over in my sheets praying it wasn't my alarm just as I started to close my eyes again "beep" "be-" "alright alright im up fuck shut it" I grab my phone and turn of my alarm for the second time this morning then look at the time 6:48 I walk into the bathroom and slip my clothes of and get into the shower I wash my blonde brownish hair and step out of the shower and get ready for the day I walk into my wardrobe and grab a pair of baggy ripped jeans and a sweater with nike Jordans.

"ring ring" I walk over and grab my phone off my nightstand I see Rileys name pop up on my screen I swipe left to answer "good ur away" she yells I pull my phone away from my ear "yes I am its a monday why wouldn't I be" "because you are never at school or awake this early" "true" "im leaving the house now see ya at school" I hang up before she says anything else I grab my car keys and walk downstairs and see my brother Aiden sitting there without a shirt on " get a shirt dip shit" "oi" my mum yells I walk up to her and give her a big hug and Aiden makes a face behind mums back I try to stifle a laugh but mum walks out of the room grab my bag then walk out of the house. 

I drive to school to see Riley standing next to her car next to Luke and amber, me Luke, amber, and Riley have been friends since the 5th grade we all got along really well I swear Riley and Luke are dating but they both denied it when me and amber asked so we gave up, I walked over to them and gave them a big hug I haven't seen them for a good week because I didn't want to come to school last week. 

we walk in to school through the main entrance and Victoria walks pass me and purposely bumps my shoulder hard she's testing my patients "watch where u are going slag" oh no she didn't I try to follow her but look grabs my wrist "let it go" he whispers in my ear "how the fuck can I let it go? she called me a slag"  "just walk away" "fine" I walk to my locker and put my stuff away then walk to maths I was five minutes late but I honestly couldn't care less I walk in and sit in my seat "your late Avery Addison" "great observation mr obvious" "detention at lunch time Avery" "Ok" i just sat there drawing on the desk then the door swings open and this boy walks in with the principle "mr G there's a new student starting this class" "okay take a seat" and he points to the seat next to me omg why me I mentally scream I look up and take a good look at this handsome boy he has light brown hair with hazel eyes and tan olive skin I didn't want him to notice me staring so I looked away and put my head on the desk "uh hey" his voice was deep but not to deep to the point where it was scary "hey" I replied and look up "do u have a spare pen or pencil" "yeah in the pencil case"  I pointed to the pencil case then put my head down again. 

It was now lunch time and Riley me and amber had cheer practise, we walk down the Hall into the gym changing room and say Victoria there with her minion Mia I hate her too I walked into a stall to go get changed, I had finished changing into my cheer outfit so I walked out of the gym changing room and out of the gym onto the field I saw Luke standing there with someone but I couldn't see who because look was infront of him so I walked up to Luke and to my surprise it was the cute new boy from school "Avery this is jay he will be joining the football team and he is the new quarter back" "oh okay" "I better get going" I said in a hurry then ran off to go learn my new air stunt, "Avery Mia and Victoria are going to throw u in the air and u have to do a scorpain and then they will throw you again, then u will have to do a straddle jump and then land on ur back into there arms" "thats a lot but alright" Mia and Victoria better not mess this up they lifted me up into the air I could see Luke and jay staring at me I jumped up into a straddle jump but when I looked down Victoria and Mia are no where to be seen I close my eyes and wait for myself to hit the ground but when I didn't I opend them to see jay had caught me and Luke was standding next to him. I got up without saying a word and ran to the change rooms I could feel my hands starting to shake and I felt like my own skin didn't feel like mine but then Luke came up and hugged me, he was the only one who knew how to fix it when I was having a panic attack. 

ikkk there are spelling mistakes just ignore them but I feel like im getting critters block but I haven't even started 

question of the day: summer or winter??

fact about me: I have brown hair with one blonde streak does anyone else have that????

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