Chapter 2

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They lugged their belongings onto the train. Regulus, James, Sirius, Peter and Remus sat in a quiet compartment together as they got ready to head back to platform nine and three-quarters to meet up with Fleamont and Euphemia Potter.

Once Regulus had gotten back to the Slytherin dorms, he finished packing and updated Barty on his plans. His friend was grateful and immediately started to unpack his belongings, no longer having a reason to go home. He instead got ready to spend the holidays in the Slytherin dorms by himself.

When the Marauders got back to their dorm, they started work on destroying the banner. James stated that they should light it on fire, and Remus countered that idea saying that they couldn't set the school on fire. They decided to use a charm to rip it up into a billion tiny pieces before they cast a spell to get rid of the mess.

They didn't talk about their sudden need to destroy the banner, no one brought up their reasoning for it. They got rid of it before they finished packing their luggage and they now sat on the train lightly chattering and plotting new pranks.

Although it may have been just a dream, the nightmares from the night before were extremely realistic. Regulus could perfectly picture the moment when Remus watched as he dropped to the floor after being poisoned by tea. The tea wasn't even that good in his opinion, it was rather flavourless, maybe it just needed to steep a bit longer but it was nothing like that cup of tea Remus had described from his dream.

That morning he had woken up with his heart pounding out of his chest. Does it count as trauma if it happened in a dream? If so, he just gained even more trauma.

Dream or not, he watched nearly everyone he knows die in different ways. He will probably never be able to return home again without seeing Barty Crouch Sr.' Body crushed underneath the chandelier or his father's pale body submerged in the bathtub, or his mother's beheaded body, his brother's blood everywhere, or leaving James Potter who was bleeding from a stab wound all alone because of Remus, only for Remus to poison him.

He'd escaped being murdered, jumped out a window and confessed his hatred for the harmonica to James Potter all in one dream. It was a loaded dream and he wished he could go to sleep for the rest of the yule holiday.

It seemed that the lot of them weren't the only ones who had an odd nightmare, Barty woke up around forty-five minutes before Regulus. He was woken up after having been strangled in his dream. He awoke, struggling to breathe.

A similar thing happened to others too, Walburga Black awoke to a horrible headache and a kink in her neck, she had to get up at one in the morning to take a potion for her pain.

It was a peculiar night for many.

Remus felt bad. In the nightmare, he'd been behind the murders the whole time. It was strange. He hadn't known he was the killer until Regulus had toppled over in a coughing fit and he did nothing. He physically couldn't move, he could only watch in horror as he realized what he'd done. He had killed his friends and his boyfriend, but it was just a nightmare, a very very bad nightmare.

Peter was startled, he was more jumpy than usual. In his dream, although he hadn't mentioned it to the others, he had the dark mark, he was a death eater following the dark lord. The thought of him doing so felt absurd. He would never betray his friends like that, even if they weren't always the best of friends, he still cared about them, and had dignity. He wouldn't swoop so low as to turn to the dark side.

He knew his friends didn't mean to leave him out, they were all just more outgoing than him, he struggled to jump into conversations, and none of them had problems with butting in, even when they were not wanted. There were also just times when he didn't feel like he fit in, but not just with his friend, anywhere.

Sirius would be hanging off of his boyfriend, Remus, while James was bothering Regulus, who he obviously liked. Peter couldn't relate to that. He didn't like anyone, he's spent his life having to make up fake crushes to just fit in even though he just admires them in a friendly way, not a romantic or sexual way.

The conversation in the train cart came to an end. None of them often remembered their dreams, not this vibrantly at least. The thought of the dream wouldn't get out of their minds. It was fake. It was obviously fake, it was the first day of the yule holiday but, their dreams seemed to have overlapped, even if for the most part, they refuse to acknowledge it.

The train ride was long and boring so James left the cart to go find Lily. He found Lily sitting in a cart with her friends who she shared a dorm with, but he was soon shut down by her, being told that she was having 'girl time' with her friends and that unless he was a girl, he couldn't join.

"Oh come on Evans, just this once," He pleaded.

"And why can't you sit with your friends?" She asked.

"Because they're being boring?" He offered.

"Mhm, what is this, are the famous marauders getting bored of each other?" Lily mocked, jokingly.

James leaned against the cart door, "We could never," He said, crossing his arms, "just a bit of a tired bunch."

"Aw, did Jamesy not get a good sleep?" Lily teased.

"He in fact did not, dearest Evans. It was a horrendous sleep," He exaggerated.

"Whatever will he do?" Lily sighed.

"You know, I think sitting down would be nice," James said, taking a step forward and closing the door behind him.

"Only if you're okay sitting on the floor," Lily said, putting her feet up onto the seat, facing Marlene.

"So, Potter, give us your opinion, we were playing 'kiss, marry, kill', before you entered and we're split on the most correct answer," Mary spoke for the first time since James arrived.

"Alright, shoot then," He nodded in her direction.

"Alright, kiss, marry, kill; Regulus, Snape and Professor Howl."

"Oh, well, I guess marry Regulus," He paused. Would he rather kiss his professor or Snevelus?

"Ooh, that was an easy decision," Dorcas chimed in.

"Well yes, I wouldn't exactly want to spend the rest of my life with Snevelus or Professor Howl!" He excused.

"Severus, his name is Severus, will you stop with the name calling?" Lily sighed.

"Yeah, that's not how you're gonna win her love over, Potter," Marlene tched.

"Who says I'm trying to win her love over? Maybe I've moved on," He gave a small smirk.

"Ooo, Lils missed her shot," Mary laughed. "Now, who'd you kiss and who'd you kill?"

"Kiss... Professor Howl..." He grimaced, at least his professor was rather young looking, "and kill Snape,"

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