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Jisoo's pov:
It felt so warm, to be this close to him. He made me feel secured.
Haein pulled back first and held my hand. He looked so overwhelmed, i wanted to say something until..
''I'll go now, okay?'' he said softly.
''Why, where are you going?''
''As much i want to stay in this room with you, there's no couch here'' he answered.

''We can s-share? If you want though, i am just saying cause its cold outside and you don't want to get sick, also its just one night...'' i rambled, gosh why am i like this!!

We can share a bed for tonight right? Beside its's cold outside and he probably have nowhere else to go right now, there's only three rooms and the boathouse is take by taehyung and jennie. Jisoo was convincing herself in her brain.

''Okay!'' Haein said happily!
''You can use the bathroom first!''
''Mkay'' jisoo grabbed her stuff and went inside.

Both were now in the bed. All light off, the room was only under the moonlight. Their back facing each other.

''You awake?'' Haein asked
I could feel him turning himself to face me, so did i.
He was looking at me intensely, even through the darkness.
He shifted his body closer, now we were only inches away. I could feel his breath on me.

''Haein'' i said in attempt to stop this wherever it was going.
''Shhhh'' he whispered on my ear, touching my arm on the process
He brushed his thump, shaping my lips.

3rd person pov:
Jisoo could feel haein's breath coming out in small puffs on her face and suddenly her heart raced even more, how that even was possible she had no idea. The way haein looked at her made all her defenses come tumbling down and before she realized what she was doing, she closed the small distance between them.

When Haein's lips touched hers for the first time it was like everything fell into place. He knew somewhere in the back of his mind that later she would deny wanting this or even regret but right now all he could feel was jisoo's lips moving together with his and then, nothing else mattered

Knock! Knock!
Haein and jisoo were so immersed into each other that they ignored the violent sounds coming from the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!
''Uhmp!'' Haein groaned in annoyance against jisoo's swollen lips and pulled back.

He looked at jisoo who still had her eyes closed and smiled to himself.
Jisoo could feel the lost of contact and the warmth. She opened her eyes slowly and realised someone had been knocking. Haein who was already at the door, opened it and found Jimin and Jungkook with a stressed face.

Jisoo was still thinking about what she was doing while touching her lips when haein approached the bed side table to take out something from the drawer and tuck it in the back of his pants.

Before jisoo could react, haein had already cupped her cheeks and gave her a soft, long lingering peck on her lips leaving jisoo wanting more.
''Stay here, okay? I'll be right back!''
With that haein left, closing the door behind him.

Jisoo had a sleepless night, waiting for haein to return. In the early morning, a grumpy jisoo made her way to the kitchen in search of a strong dose of coffee to clear her mind.
''Can i make some coffee? Jisoo asked the staffs that were looking at her in fear.
''Good morning, ma'am'' they all greeted in unison.
''Please call me jisoo'' she smiled
''Ma'am-, miss jisoo, we'll make it immediately and bring it you!'' A mid-aged man replied.

Jisoo was wondering why they sounded so scared.
''Is their something wrong with my face?'' She chuckled while touching her cheeks, as if checking.
''Boss had ordered us to deliver breakfast in bed to you and he would be mad at us to know that you're here before we made breakfast...'' one of them replied.

''Don't worry, i won't tell'' she smiled at them, trying to ease the situation.
''And also, don't listen to your stupid boss!''

''Instead listen to me, even you're boss does...'' she smirked to herself, remembering the time on the boat when haein had stopped the fight because she said so.

The staff looked at each other and nodded in response.
''Now, let's make some breakfast for the others, shall we?''
''I'll cook, ya'll just pass me whatever ingredients i'll need, cause i don't know where they're kept, okay?'' She said grabbing the apron from one of the staff.

''Yes, sure ma'am''
''Jisoo, call me jisoo..''
''Okay, miss jisoo!'' Jisoo shrugged knowing the staff will not change the formality.


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