chapter 15

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Leo: Donnie! Mikey!

[Infected Raph slammed him. Leo gets back up to see his infected brother stepping toward him.]

Leo: [hopelessly] I don't want to fight anymore. I was fighting you because I didn't understand you, but now I get it.

[The monster roared and tried attack Leo. He dodged.]

Leo: I always figured you were mad because you didn't like the way I did things.

[He falls and Infected Raph and grabs his neck]

Leo: But when I see what's happening to you and what's happening to them, I realized it wasn't about me. You didn't yell because you were mad, you yelled because you were scared. It's scary to be responsible for the lives you protect. Your team… your family. [Donnie and Mikey shed tears.] But we do it anyway because that's what it means to be a hero. If this is it, I want you to know I finally understand. And I'm sorry.

[He closed his eyes. Holding out his claw. Raph twitched.]

Leo: Raph! There you are! Come back! your family needs you!

Raph: Leo?

Leo: Yes!

[A vine grabbed Leo and over take his body. He cringes as the vines creep up his face. He cried in pain.]

Leo: Mikey, Donnie, we can fight this! Raph's doing it or us, so we're doing it for him.

[Elements began to glow as the orb began to break. Mikey lifted his head up and felt determination coursing through.]

Leo: That alien jerkface thinks we're weak…

[Donnie lifted his head up too.]

Leo:…because he hasn't seen what we can do… When we fight together.

[They began to glow as they began to stained for control.]

Leader Krang: It's pointless to resist Krang. Give up, You will be consumed like everyone else on this pathetic planet!

[The light began to grow brighter around them as they tried to rip though.]

Leo: Fat chance. We're not like everyone else on this planet. We are…

Mikey: The TEENAGE!

Donnie: MUTANT!

Raph: NINJA!


[Leo flings his word at the krang's armor. Magic began to come back to life. Leo portalled though with Rap'hs spirit body punch him. Mikey swung the krang and Donnie used his mystic heavy tech guns and laser fire causing and explosion. They finally have their mystic powers back.]

Leo: If this isn't the poster shot, someone's getting fired.

Leader Krang: We are not done yet

Nova: thought you might say that!

[Nova attacks with an army of dragons. They each go to a turtle except for Leo. Nova leaps in front of her brothers and roars loudly that sound waves appear.]

Leo: Nova! Your back! I thought that you would have stayed behind.

Nova: and let you have all the fun? No way! I fight with my brothers.

[They lunge forwards as the scene changes.]

rottmnt the movie. All Rights To Nickelodeon Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang