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~°No one's POV°~

'what was his name...? I... I must've been so out of it...' Red thought to herself as she clutched her book bag, hoping to get to her class on time, and avoid the 'friends' she was with the night before 'gah screw them... they left me alone.' she sighs and shakes her head

'Stop thinking about it, and just... focus on your work. This is what you wanted since... Mom passed away...' She thought one last time, sighing softly, before she opened the door, to her empty classroom, apart from her mentor and professor, and the one person she can come to for advice.

"Ah, good afternoon Red, although you just missed the lesson for today." The older woman chimed as Red sighs embarrassedly "sorry, professor Hana, I had a rough morning and I had to take a taxi to get to campus-" "oh hush child, you know well enough that you are my favorite student, and you know, when we're alone you can tell me anything, and I told you to drop the formalities, when we're alone" the woman, now known as Hana, cut Red off, before sighing in concern "clearly you need a break Red, your looking pale as a matter of fact- what happened last night dear?" She asked softly, in a motherly tone as Red sighs and looks down.

"I-... I went out with Marie and her friends last night... to a club... a-and I had a few drinks, but after about a few... I was left disoriented, drunk even..." She looks down "but then... I-i met someone... big, strong... God he was so kind to me, it made me feel special... Like a gift- no like he was God himself." Red rambled on, before she snapped out of it and blushed darkly a bit, before shaking her head "b-but that's not the point! Point is... I slept with someone, woke up with a migraine and my legs feeling like Jello, and I can't remember his name, besides his eyes, and on top of that I started to feel nauseous when I got back to the dorm. Though that is also from the alcohol I had, but I'm a little worried it's something else." She ranted as she paced in front of her mentor, who sighed, before smiling slightly.

"sounds like a rough day alright, but the part about you feeling nauseous, kinda makes me worried a bit." Hana said before getting up and going towards Red and stopping her from pacing any further, as she felt her forehead. As Red sighs "it was probably the multiple drinks, I was always a lightweight, so that could be It" she said as the other hummed in thought.

"Yea, Well, no fever, which is good, but that doesn't check out my other option of a possible stomach bug. As weak legs and nausea are a few minor symptoms." She said before sighing "but next time, be careful, for now, head back to your dorm, I'll make an excuse note for you, and I'll let you rest for a month. take this time to relax, and calm your mental state before you do anything else, understood?" She stated, looking at the female porcupine, who nodded and sighs.

"I just hope, I don't end up with something bad, I don't want to miss the exams-" Red spoke, before getting cut off "and you won't, I'll make sure you have everything you need to learn, before the end of this semester, but for now, go and relax and I'll see you next month, ok?" Hana smiles as Red returns the gesture and nodded "ok, thank you" she said as Hana smiles and hugs her "no problem" she said before letting Red leave, back to her dorm.

~•Time Skip•~

While walking Back to her dorm, Red sighs softly 'to think this year was going to be a good one, well, hopefully it does turn out ok in the end' she thought before stopping in her tracks and looking to see Marie's dorm room cracked a little bit, with Marie and her friends laughing and gossiping loudly.

Red, on instinct, creeped closer to the cracked door, and peered through, as her small ears flicked, listening into their conversation.

"Oh wow~" Marie giggled "and she managed to bed a hunk? Jeez what a slut. Hopefully we managed to get her out of this damned college, I don't even know how we managed to put up with her." The feline cackled as she posted on her social media about the night before. Which was of her and her friends, minus Red, having a real good time on the dance floor. Without her.

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