Part one

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Lexi aka you
Sugarhillddot (your brother)
And other ppl

I woke up from my nap to my brother yelling at me telling me to get ready  bc we finna go to a party

Lexi " who's party is it"

Darrian "noti's"

Lexi "okay"

I went in the bathroom took a shower and did my makeup and put this on

I went in the bathroom took a shower and did my makeup and put this on

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Lexi "I'm coming stop dick riding"

Ddot "pause.."

Lexi " always gotta make somthing nasty"

At the party

Ddot pov

I was sitting talking with my friends (dd and edot)

Dd "who is et fine ass lightskin👀"

Ddot " where"

Dd " over there" he said pointing at lexi

Ddot " nigga that's my sister"

Dd "nigga no that's not"

Ddot " how u gon tell me yes it is"

Dd " lemme get the digits"

Then Ddot grabbed him up by his shirt

Dd " yo yo nigga chill out"

Ddot "say somthing again and imma slap you"

Lexi pov

I was dancing talking to my friends and it started getting late so I decided I wanted to go home

Lexi " yo Ddot I'm finna go home"

Ddot " I'm finna come with you gimmie like 5 minutes mh"

Lexi " okay Imma be waiting outside"

Ddot pov

Ddot " you trynna stay all night"

Dd " yea"

Ddot " and don't be trying anything with my sister nigga"

My brothers bsf... ~ DdosamaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu