2: Sometimes Death Seems Better Than The Migraine In My Head

Start from the beginning

Frank knew he shouldn't let his father treat him the way he did, but it was so hard to find the courage to actually do something about it. He was aware that if he called the authorities, his father would most likely be arrested on the spot, but that would destroy Frank's mother; she still loved the asshole somehow, and Frank didn't want to hurt her. In five more months, it wouldn't matter anyway, and he would be free to run away with Gerard and start a new life - just the two of them.

Frank ached to hear Gerard's voice; he always managed to take the pain away, even if it was just for a little while, but when he groped blindly for his phone, the small movement wracked his entire body with another rush of fiery agony. It was as if his migraine was spreading down his spine, and all of his nerves had become over-sensitized and painful.

Giving up on any more attempts to reach the device that would connect him to Gerard, Frank tried to stay perfectly still, stifling small groans of pain as his head pulsed wildly.

It will pass...it always does, Frank told himself over and over again, hoping that if he repeated the phrase enough times, it would end up coming true.


Gerard paced his room impatiently, indecision plaguing his mind and threatening to drive him insane. Every few seconds, he glanced over at his all too silent phone that lay on his bedroom dresser. Frank should have called by now, or at least texted, he always did, just to make sure Gerard knew he was okay - even though he really wasn't.

Gerard's anxiety was spiking badly now; he felt so helpless and weak, and every minute that ticked by with still no word from Frank intensified the sensation.

Gerard was tempted to swing by Frank's house, just to make sure he was all right, but with his father there, that was too big of a risk to take, and Frank would end up paying the price if Gerard was seen.

Gerard kept telling himself that everything was fine, it had to be. Maybe Frank's father had taken his phone away as punishment; it was a likely scenario, even though it had only happened once before.

But what if that wasn't the case, what if Frank's father had gone too far this time and beaten him to the point of death? Frank could be hurt; lying on the ground in pain, bleeding, calling out for Gerard at this very moment, while Gerard was just sitting here doing nothing to help him.

Gerard's mind continued to assault him with worst case scenarios, and he knew he was rapidly spiraling out of control. He hated the way he let his dark thoughts consume him, but his brain was his own worst enemy, and it seemed hell bent on driving him insane.

Rushing to the kitchen, Gerard quickly swallowed his prescribed anxiety medication, drumming his fingers against the counter as he begged the drugs to take affect soon.

Once he had calmed down a bit, Gerard returned to his bedroom, sending Frank another text, just in case he hadn't heard his phone go off the first five times.

Another fifteen minutes passed with still no reply, and Gerard knew there was nothing else he could do - not tonight at least.

Tomorrow, he could go see Frank - fuck the consequences, and if Frank's father found them together, Gerard would do a better job of standing up to him this time, or maybe he would take it one step further. He could whisk Frank away and hide him somewhere his father would never find him, permanently fixing the problem for good, instead of just letting it happen.

Gerard delicately fingered the lump on his head from where he had hit the coffee table after being punched by Frank's father; it was sore and raised up from the rest of his scalp, but it was nothing compared to the contusions Frank received on a daily basis.

Gerard didn't want Frank to have to suffer from his father's abuse ever again; no one deserved to be treated that way, but especially not Frank.

Tomorrow, Gerard would save him, and if Frank's father threatened to call the cops on them because of their age difference, he would just turn the tables on him and report him to CPS, which is something Frank should have done a long time ago, but he had convinced Gerard to drop the topic every time it was brought up.

Gerard knew it would be hard to convince Frank to leave, but he was confident in his abilities that he could do it. After last night, Frank had to see that they couldn't wait five more months to remove himself from his father's hurtful presence; he might not even survive that long, and Gerard would be damned if he just sat by and watched while Frank went home every night to that monster he called a father.

Gerard had been doing that for long enough, and it had to end. He had tried his best to respect Frank's wishes, but Frank's father was only getting worse, not better, and Gerard had to step in and do something.

He could sell this house, even though it would pain him to lose his last physical connection to Elena, it would be worth it to keep Frank safe. They could move away - not too far, they both still had school to consider after all, but somewhere that Frank's father wouldn't be able to reach them. Frank would understand when Gerard explained it all to him - he had to.

With a plan in mind, Gerard somehow managed to drift off to sleep, and he dreamed about how perfect his and Frank's lives would be when they could finally be together without Frank's toxic family ruining everything.

I am having so much fun with this rewrite, this is awesome. I literally just updated yesterday, but I couldn't resist posting this tonight.

This chapter actually ended up being pretty short, but it was mostly just a continuation of the last one, and I am trying my best to follow the flow of the previous story as much as I can.

Literally like no one is reading this, but that's okay, because it is a huge weight off my chest to finally produce a decent version of this book.

((((satisfied vibes))))

<3 starr

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