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Honeys POV:

I was escorted into the palace, the man who guided me here was long gone, the guards keeping, naggingly close to me as we walked through the gates and grand doors to my father's throne. His face showed no worry, simply confusion, and anger. His eyes glaring into mine. "How on Earth did you get out there?"

His voice seemed to boom through my bones. "...I was wandering the palace and saw a door, and walked through it, and I ended up outside the gates.." I looked down in response. Already imagining his face. "How did you get back?" Father questioned again. "I found the trail I took..".

He hummed lowly. "At least you aren't too stupid and ended up in the North. Stupid Boy. Take him to his room, see he doesn't come out until the morning." The guards at my sides nodded and hurried me off, I wasted no time in hurrying as well.

After I entered my room, they shut the doors and locked it. I sighed, but decided not to let myself get too upset over being locked up again. I had a few ways of keeping myself entertained. I have books, plenty of them. And an almost endless supply of sketch books-most of which are quite unused, due to burn outs.

I didn't feel like drawing all that much. But neither did I feel reading. I simply walked over to my window and looked outside, seeing the village below. Although I didn't get to see much, I still enjoyed being out. However I was still curious about the man. All I knew was that his name was 'Ash'. It suited quite nice regarding his hair.

I chuckled, his parents where good at names huh? I thought more, and remembered his face. His nose bridge down was cloaked in a dark fabric, but above and around his left eye seemed to be raw flesh. My skin crawled slightly. But realizing it wasn't raw, but looked burned. That explained the missing eyebrow, and the milky eye. His other eye was, beautiful though. The icy blue was dangerously piercing. They seemed lifeless, but full of life at the same time.

He was quite short too, at least to my stature. However he seemed to get around quick. How clothes looked a bit too big for him, and old. I sighed and sat on the ledge wide enough in front of the window. Hugging the pillow in front of me. "I should find a way out and see if I can thank him for bringing me back", I thought.

It was only the polite thing to do really. I knew I wouldn't be allowed out until morning, but it was already getting dark. And cold, I hoped Ash would be ok, judging by the way the cloths hung in him, he looked quite frail, no wonder he stole food frequently. But why doesn't he just find some work, and earn money for food?? I don't know what goes on in the villagers lives.

But I'm not going to judge. I just looked up at the now peering moon above, it was beautiful. Even more so out there. I sighed and got off the ledge, and off to my closet to change into fresh clothes. Before laying down in my bed. Laying on my stomach as to not crush my wings. I've torn them a few times in my youth.

Since they were bee-like they were incredibly delicate. But I can't fly all that much with them, I'm far too big. I simply pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes, hopefully the night will go quickly.

Ash's POV:

I was roaming the outskirts of the village, I drew too much attention to me again. I sighed angrily, but changed my thoughts. I had some good bread! I smiled under my face cloth, and found a tree to sit at, listening to the sounds of the forest aside me. Looking at the fruits I had, I still had half an apple left. I knew someone who'd enjoy it, especially when fruits where getting scarce from the upcoming cold.

I got up onto my feet and started walking to to the forest, looking around and calling out. Wasn't long before I saw them, a herd of horses. I didn't want to get too close, they'd spook, and they'd trample me for sure in their panic. I simply whistled sharp and quick, watching a head pop up from grazing, ears perked towards me. I smiled softly.

My favorite mare, yeah she could be moody, but I could understand that. She trotted over quickly, already smelling the apple I had for her, snorting and sniffing the bags. "Easy, easy, you're half as tall as the trees, you'll bowl me over, here".

I pulled out the apple and held it to her mouth, she greedily took it into her teeth and chewed. I laughed softly. And just patted her neck, her deep red coat was getting longer and thicker. Her black mane was also thicker than before, at least the last time I saw her, a few weeks ago. She wasn't mine, but she was a good friend to me when needed.

I just sat down into the iced over grass and she carefully rested next to me, letting out a heavy breath turning it I hot steam into the night. I chuckled and rubbed her nose, "Quite the heave with your big self huh?" She wasn't a normal horse no, same basic build, but larger. But she made a good night buddy.

I rested against her back gently and patted her. We both just watched her herd until she fell her head laying in the grasses. I just smiled, pulled down my face cloth, and resumed eating. It used to be hard to eat, my cheeks would be stiff and sore from the early burns. I thought back to this morning. Why was a Royal out in the village? I don't really know, but I guess he wanted something new to taste.

I thought for a moment and understood. I guess after being in luxury all your life, you'd want to know what other life is like. I finished eating and started to grow sleepy. Putting my bag down, and raising my face cloth again, and making sure my hood was on snug. I laid down close to the mare, covering myself with my cloak before falling asleep.

((Heehee sleepy sleepy 1,079 words

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