Cooking Club

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was sitting in class as school was about to end. He watched some leaves fall off of some trees, due to the weather beginning to become colder. When the bell rang he went to get up out of his chair, but he was met by Eclair standing next to him, "Hellloo (Y/N)." With (Y/N) standing and Eclair standing they were at nearly the same height. Eclair pulled on (Y/N)'s hoodie, "Come with me. I want to show you something." (Y/N) stood up for Eclair's head to only reach (Y/N)'s stomach. Eclair led (Y/N) around the school, to the first floor, and outside of a room. (Y/N) looked inside to see that it was the cooking club, "Why did you bring me here?" Eclair looked up at him as she crossed her arms, "You said that you wanted to join the cooking club, and that was two weeks ago. So now I'm making you join it whether you like it or not."

(Y/N) looked nervous, "But they'll just stare and be afraid around me." Eclair put one hand on her hip as she pointed up at him with the other, "What do we do when we think like that?" (Y/N) stayed silent as he looked down at her, just for the short rabbit girl to widen her eyes as if looking impatient. (Y/N) sighed, "We push those thoughts away so that we can have a great day." Eclair smiled, "There we go. Now come on. I'll go in with you just in case if you get nervous." The two walked in for (Y/N) to look at all the counter tops, ovens, and a large portion of everything he needed to create whatever he wanted. But then he noticed everyone staring at him as they all had stopped what they were doing. The club contained mostly girls, but there was some boys. Their were multiple different races for the leader of the club to walk up to (Y/N).

She was an Elf with white skin, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and an hourglass figure. She looked up at (Y/N) as her head only went as high as his chest, "H- Hello. Can I h-help you?" (Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm here to join the club." This surprised the elf, "Really? Oh, well then let me see if I can get you an apron. Then you can start cooking. You'll have to take off your hoodie of course, as it does get hot in here and we don't want another person to have a heat stroke." "Okay." (Y/N) without hesitation took his hoodie off only leaving him in his shirt, which showed his muscles on his arms. Since he always does a workout and showers before going to bed.

All of the girls were staring at him, but very differently as they all had a tint of red on their cheeks. Eclair was also red as she stared up at him. She then looked at his  stomach and poked it to just feel muscle, 'That's why bumping into him felt like hitting a wall.' She continued to poke his abs for the club president to wipe a bit of drool off of her chin, "I- I'll uh, go get you that apron." She went into a closet to find their biggest apron and hand it to (Y/N), "H-Here you go." (Y/N) took it to put it on, "It's a little snug." "We'll order a bigger one."

(Y/N) got to work on cooking a dish for everyone to try. Every was doing their own thing, but we're watching (Y/N) as well every now and again. After a while (Y/N) had finished as he had just made Ramen. He set the bowl on the counter for Eclair to of course be the first one to try it. She took a bite to look at (Y/N), "Just as good as always." The president of the cooking club was next to take a bite, for her eyes to widen as she looked at the bowl, "This is really good." Everyone else became intrigued for the president to start asking (Y/N) questions about how he made the Ramen. Soon he was surrounded by a group of people trying to talk to him, for Eclair to smile as she was happy that (Y/N) was socializing.

When club time was over everyone started heading home for (Y/N) to put his hoodie back on as he was walking with Eclair. Eclair looked up at (Y/N), "Aren't you glad that I forced you to join the cooking club?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yes I am very grateful. Thank you Eclair." Eclair had a smug look as she looked ahead. As they were walking the two heard a cat meow, making the two curious as they saw a cardboard box ahead of them. The two walked up to the box to see a black kitten inside of the box. Eclair squatted down to look sorry for the kitten, "Aw poor thing. Who would leave a kitten out here?" (Y/N) crouched next to her, "Are you going to take it home?" Eclair sadly shook her head, "I want to, but my parents won't let us have any pets. He's so cute though." (Y/N) thought for a second to slowly extend his hand to the kitten. The kitten stepped away from the hand for it soon sniff his hand. After a few seconds of sniffing his hand the kitten walked onto his for (Y/N) to bring his hand to the chest making the kitten warm as he scratched it's head. 

Eclair was very surprised by the cat liking (Y/N) so much, "He seems to really like you." The young man smiled, "I'm glad." The two started walking again for Eclair to keep looking at the kitten, "Are you going to keep him?" (Y/N) nodded, "It would be nice to have a pet around the apartment. You can come and visit him at anytime." The two reached a curb as they had the right to cross the street. Eclair smiled as she closed her eyes, "I'll keep you to your word." The next thing she heard was a speeding car heading her way. She looked to her left to see a car speeding towards her. She was then pulled backwards and swung around to hear the car turn right and loudly honk their horn. Eclair had her eyes closed during this whole endeavor to open her eyes when she could no longer hear the car. She saw (Y/N) above her as he had pulled her out of the way turned his back to the street to protect her. He had the kitten in his left hand as he was holding Eclair up in the air with his right arm. 

(Y/N) looked very worried, "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" Eclair was filled with fear just a second ago, but now she felt something very different. The sun was starting to set lighting up (Y/N)'s face as Eclair felt safe in his arm. Her heart skipped a beat her as he cheeks became red, "Y- Yeah. I'm fine." The two stayed they were for a little bit until Eclair said, "C- Can you let me down?" (Y/N) set the bunny girl down, "Oh, of course. Sorry." "It's fine." The two continued walking for the two to separate when Eclair made it home. She said goodbye to go into her house, walk into her room, close the door, and put her back against the door as she slid down to the floor. She covered her face as her entire face became red, 'Oh my god he's so hot!' Meanwhile at (Y/N)'s house his aunt was holding the kitten, "Aw he's so cute. We'll name him Shadow." (Y/N) gave a weak smile, 'She was never good at naming things.'

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