2nd Question

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Why, God, Why? Why me?


"Now don't ask this question. Godddd!"

I laughed seeing God whine. 

"Are you remembering yourself? 

Did you forget you are the God ." It was funny seeing God calling his own name.

"Very funny! "

"You all can call or yell my name. What about me. I also want to do it." God argued back.

"So, that doesn't mean you're going to say your own name only. By the way, when you got the need to call for somebody. " I asked.

"Why not? "

"I also get frustrated, irritated, angry so I also need somebody to yell at."

God continued, "So, I yell my own name because it was me who created those situations."

I eyed him up with a smug smile I said,"You can say my name . I won't mind it . Trust me not at all."

"Oh Hello! Incase you might have forgotten then let me remind, you graced your presence on earth because of me." God instantly retorted back.

Like I can ever forget that . Never knew he was such a dramatic personality. 

I scoffed on my thoughts. 

God very gracefully leaned closer and seriously said,"You tend to forget a lot." 

I looked at him confused .

"I can read your mind."

I gulped looking at him and passed a sheepish smile. 

"Okay! Now enough of being jolly . Let's be serious here. I asked my question now it's your turn to answer it." 

"First you tell why you think it's only you ." 

"Sometimes I feel like life is not fair with me. I mean...people around me...I observe them, they don't face problems like I face in my life. Sometimes I see them so carefree that I can't help but feel jealous."

"Comparing is the biggest mistake humans often do and my dear, you also belong in that list."

"I know but.. I can't help it."I justified.

God chuckled," this does not justify your answer. "

I was not able to answer God.

"I gave humans brain and a heart. Feelings and emotions were given by me.They are my best creation. Can you tell me why did I made humans?"

I have read many philosophical sayings and maybe books also.

"You made us above all the creatures, you gave us brain, heart, emotions and feelings so that we can differentiate what is wrong and what is right. We can understand and feel what others or other creatures are feeling, help them and together create a beautiful world with our unity and equality." I don't know if what I said was correct or not but at this time this only came in my mind so blurted it out. 

I have a tendency to forget lines on serious occasions and sometimes blurt silly lines.

"I think so I misplaced or damaged some cords or there is short circuit in some of yours brain or heart because you just said that I gave you feelings and emotions so that you can understand others and their feelings but here some of you only understand your pain, your grief and when you see others happy then the questions also start. Why me?"

"Understand this comparing will only make your pain double it will cage you and you will doubt yourself and me."

I nodded.

"Okay, right now forget others. 

Let me give you a piece of mind.

If you are in the middle of period of suffering, grief or pain that you can't control, stand aside with patience and faith, let the moment remind yourself that this shall pass to." 

I shook my head. 

"I agree we ask this question when we are in pain, suffering or grief but it is the moment when we were unable to bear that pain, we feel like to give up, time doesn't seem like it's passing and this pain or suffering starts to eat us. What are we supposed to do? Sometimes the emotions, the feelings which you gifted us feels like a curse."

"I understand that I can be deadly sometimes believe me at that time you are not suffering alone I am with you suffering along and at that time I only need one thing and that is total surrender. No questions why me. Purpose of your pain or suffering is a lesson. I have made plans for each and every one of you. Fulfillment of my vision can cause great pain but it's fruit in the end will be sweetest." 

"These pains are lesson." 

"Yes, they are the lesson of your life so that you don't do the same mistake again. It's a test also like you give in schools but these are practical. These pain and suffering will make you stronger so that when in future a greater pain or obstacles are attracted towards you. Your face will adorn a smile and you will pass through it like a warrior. I make you ready for your future, for my plan to succeed."

"I know you have already written our fate, our destiny but the path you have choosen sometimes feels like unfair."

God laughed loudly and playfully said,"if you think life is full of flowers even after the strugles, pains you went through in life, then for me you are the biggest fool."

God smirked and continued," if I tell you about my intentions then sunny all the time makes one dry, dull, dark if mixed with rainfall and thunderstorms makes one wet, glowy, bright."

"You know you are worst at poetry." I said with a hearty laugh.

God didn't said anything but he was having a dark smile on his face which was not a good sign for me.

"I would love to see this laugh of yours when my mood will swing to sadist mode." 

Now it was his time to laugh and mine to fear.

"You must be knowing this getting things easily will only make your life dull and you would become lazy also and I want entertainment there should be happy, sad, heartbreak everything in a life drama so that I don't bore out."

"What? You don't want to be bored so you add masalas (spices) in life. Very funny!" I didn't like it God was speaking as though we are toy for him we are his children atleast he should not say this infront of me.

God laughed,"I was just trying to make our conversation little funny idiot so that you can understand easily."

"Okay, I understand."

"What do you understood, please enlighten me also."he said dramatically.

Aaah! Dramatic personality...


"I can hear you idiot."

"Good you heard it."

"I'm still waiting for explanation."

"Okay, I just got that never to question you that why me.

Total surrender 

Accept the pain and suffering because it will also pass." 

"Yes, very good my child but you forget one main thing that never to compare.

You know by this your pain will increase. This pain has the power to cage you forever. So, be careful.

Just know one thing you are not alone never I am with you smiling with you, laughing with you, crying with you, suffering with you, hungry with you, full with you, playing with you, praying with you. I will be the one to push you but I will also be the one to lending you hand to get up. I do it for your welfare, for your good. In return I just want faith, belief and total surrender. Understood."

"Aye, aye captain."

Interview with Godजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें