3rd Question

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Why there is everything instead of nothing?


"Why this question? From where did you heard it. Hmmm." God frustatingly said, he ran his long fingers in his silky, shiny and long hairs. For a moment I got jealous of his hairs..... Okay... not for a moment... Damm me, I am jealous. 

What to do he got everything for himself and we... mere humans get what he wants us to have.

I scoffed at my thoughts with an aura of sadness.

And... why is he throwing tantrums on my every questions. Can't he answer it without being dramatic. 

Ahh! What a dramatic being.

I felt the urge to pull my hair.

My thoughts were running wild, forgetting that the being sitting in front of me has aural faculty of thoughts. 

I shreiked a little when the lights went out. 

Though, I overcame my fear of dark long time ago, but still this human has a beating organ which sometime forgets that and ends doing opposite. And the brain also shakes hand with heart. Sometimes they would be like best friend forever but sometimes they would be like sworn enemies. 

Their relationship is complicated. Let's focus on present matter instead of them.


"God, why are you not answering."

"You there na God."

Suddenly the lights started flickering. Sundden coldness spread across the room making me shiver. But what got my heart sped was God face right infront of my face with eyes full black like you see the ghost in horror movies. 

His eyes were total black rest was same and there was the sudden aura of chillness.

For a few seconds I just kept staring at his face, obviously... out of shock.

Calming my racing heart beat I held his face with both of my hands pulled his face away .

He slapped my hands away.

"Don't touch me."

"Your scared me for a minute...."

"Wait... for a minute... aren't you scared."

He blinked many times.

Everything became normal his eyes, the lights, the aura. Like nothing happened. 

"I was a little . And why should I be scared of you. I didn't do anything wrong." I said giving him my sweetest smile.

"You should be scared of me."





"No, I didn't do any wrong to be scared of."

"You did wrong."

"I didn't "

"You did"



"Please, enlighten me of my mistake." I replied sarcastically. 

"You called me dramatic being and what you said ... that I don't give you best things."

"Yes, I mean last part is correct."

 God scoffed.

"I give what you deserve. I don't do charity. I give according to your karma, fate, faith, past life and present. I tally everything thing then accordingly you are given what you deserve. 

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