151 9 10

Leave [liːv]
go away from:
"she left London on June 6" · [more]
depart from · [more]

cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or position:
"he'll leave you in no doubt about what he thinks" · [more]


After returning home, Marinette crept upstairs and got ready for bed, already wishing she had done so earlier. She knows getting up in the morning is going to be hard. It always is after one of their dates, but tomorrow she actually has to get up earlier than she does when she has to go to school.

As she let's herself fall onto her bed, she lets out a loud sigh, waking Tikki in the process.

"How was your date?

- It went well. We ate, went back to his place... Even if I didn't want to..."

Marinette whispers the last part, hoping Tikki wouldn't hear. She didn't. Marinette soon fell asleep, as did Tikki.


The annoying sound of Marinette's alarm wakes her up. She can hear her parents downstairs. They have probably been up for an hour or so already. Much to her discomfort, she leaves the comfort of her warm bed and walks to her closet. after looking through it, she settles on for a large knitted white turtleneck with black and brown stripes and some brown cargo pants. Once fully dressed, she goes to her mirror and ties her long dark blue hair up in a messy bun. After analysing her features, she decides that light makeup would be a better option. She applies some strawberry lipgloss to her soft lips and some black mascara to her eyelashes.

After making sure she looked okay, she checks her bags one last time and, once satisfied, goes downstairs to have one last breakfast with her parents before she leaves.

"Good morning sweetie!

- Good morning..." Marinette yawns.

Her mother frowns and asks : "Did you sleep well? Or did you get back late?

- I got back late...

- Did Adrien-

- It isn't Adrien's fault! We're not going to see each other for months! We both wanted to spend time together and just got a little carried away..." interrupted Marinette. "It isn't his fault..."

Tom and Sabine look at each other, a matching frown on both of their faces. They're happy for their daughter, they really are! But they know her enough to know that she's changed since they had started dating. She isn't as bubbly as she used to be... Or as confident... She always looks exhausted when she comes back from one of their dates and it worries them. She doesn't want to admit it though... She doesn't want to admit that her first relationship isn't a healthy one.

They finish eating their croissants in an uncomfortable silence.

It soon was time for them to leave for the airport. Tom brought his daughter's bags to the car as Sabine packed some food for her daughter to enjoy during her trip. She makes her a sandwich and packs some cookies and macaroons in a little lunchbox, she'll give to Marinette at the airport. Marinette, on the other hand, is standing outside her balcony looking at the Eiffel Tower as the city slowly comes to life. Her breath becoming visible in the cold winter air. She's going to miss this view. She's going to miss Paris. She's going to miss her family, her friends, her boyfriend...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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