Chapter 5 - Once upon a dream

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Wise Old Elf PoV:

She seemed to be having a flashback. Odd, she never experienced the Monkeykitten incident.

She seemed to snap out of it, and stared at me. She discovered a torn page of a large book in her backpack, and there was an illustration of younger me on it. She looked at us both frantically, almost as if she was comparing us.

"So, you were the Foolish Young Elf?" She asked.

"Yes.. I hid it from everyone else, because I knew they would hate me. But now I want them to hate me. I don't want to have to dispense entertainment for them every second."

She looked sad. Not disappointed about me being the Foolish Young Elf like I thought, but it was in an empathetic way. She felt bad for me.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through that.. but now you don't need to anymore."

"Let's go inside and sleep." I told her. I walked her inside. It had flats meant for hundreds of elves, but there was nobody there. It was kind of eerie, especially knowing the majority of elves that used to live here were dead. 

I walked her to my family's old flat, and we walked inside, sleeping on my parents' bed together.

I dreamed of flying among the stars with her, holding her hand and floating above the horizon. 

I stared in her eyes, pulled her in and kissed her, flying to the oblivion in complete harmony. This was what I wanted. I wanted to live a calm, serene, peaceful life with the only one who cared.

We landed on the North Star, and we stared into each other's eyes, smiling wide. 

A tiny shooting star shot into my hand, and I put it in her hair like a flower. She blushed and leaned in for a kiss, and we kissed on the North Star.

I slept well that night, for I was dreaming about what I truly wanted.

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