werewolves and liars

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~Ginny POV~

I was over near my brother, he was defenseless so I was going to protect him. I felt a hand on my lower back causing me to spin around. "It's just me calm down." Blaise says. I hate that I dragged him into this. "Come out, Peter come out, come out and play." Sirius says with a sinister smile. "You're mad." Ron shouts. Scabbers started twisting violently in Ron's hands. Harry, Lupin, and Sirius all held their wands up and pointed them towards Ron. "Expelliarmus!" Snape shouts knocking their wands from their hands. Snape was standing in the doorway. "Ah vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Snape says. Snape looks towards us. "Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Zabini what are you doing here?" Snape asks. "Oh you know helping my brother who has per usual gotten himself in trouble." I tell him. "I told Dumbledore you were helping your old friend into the castle. And here's the proof." Snape says. "Brilliant. And as usual dead wrong now give us our wands back. Remus and I have a bit of unfinished business to tend to." Sirius says walking toward Snape. Snape quickly moves and puts his wand in the back of Sirius's neck. "Give me a reason. I beg you." Snape says. "Don't be a fool, Severus!" Lupin says. "He can't help it. It's a habit by now." Sirius says. "Quiet Sirius!" Professor Lupin interrupts. "Listen to you two. Quarreling like an old married couple. The creature and the criminal." Snape says. "Piss off." Sirius snaps. "Witty as ever I see. Tell me , will you be so irrelevant when I turn you over to the Dementors? Do I detect a flicker of fear? One can only imagine what it must be like to endure the Dementors kiss. It's said to be unbearable to witness. But I'll do my best." Snape threatens. He gestures to the door. "After you." Snape says. Everyone started to leave until Harry attacked Professor Snape. "Expelliarmus!" Harry screams sending Professor Snape flying into the wall. "You attacked a teacher." I say. Harry looks shocked. "You said Peter before. Peter who?" Harry asks. "Pettigrew. He was at school with us. We thought he was a friend." Lupin responds. "He killed no, Pettigrew's dead." Harry says. Harry wasn't making any sense luckily Professor Lupin understood him. "I thought so, too. Until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map." Lupin says. "The map was lying then." Harry starts to say. "The map never lies. Pettigrew's alive. And he's right there." Sirius says pointing to Ron. I step in front of my brother. "My brother is not Peter Pettigraw." I say. "Pettigrew." Harry corrects. "I don't care what his name is it's not my brother and if anyone of y'all takes another step towards him I will hex you into next week." I say. "No not him. Your rat." Sirius says. "Scabber?" Ron and I say together. "Scabbers has been in our family for." Ron starts but is cut off by Sirius. "Twelve years. A curiously long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe, isn't he?" Sirius asks. He pulls out the picture of our family in Egypt this past summer "So what?" Ron asks. "all they could find of Pettigrew was his." Harry says before being interrupted by Sirius. That man has no manners all he does in interrupting people. "Finger. Dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead and then transformed into a rat." Sirius finishes. "Show me." Harry screams. Scabbers squirms violently. "What are you going to do to him?" Ron asks. "Together." Sirius says. Lupin takes out his wand and they cast a spell Scabbers begins to twist madly in the air and with a flash a very short man appears.

"Sirius, Remus. My old friends." The rat says. Neither of them speak. He tries to escape but Sirius shoves him back. He looks around the room and his eyes land on Harry. "Harry look at you. You look just like your father. Like James. We were best friends, he and I." Peter says. "Shut up." Sirius says through his teeth. "I didn't mean The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What would you have done!" Peter says. "Died! Died rather than betray my friends! And you should have realized, Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you." Sirius says. "We would." Professor Lupin says. "No please you can't. Ron haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat." Peter says. Ron looks away with disgust. "Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them." Peter says to me while pleading with me. Lupin and Sirius raise their wands and point them directly into Pettigrew's face. He closes his eyes with fear. "No." Harry shouts. All eyes were on Harry. "Harry this man. " Professor Lupin starts. "I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle." Harry says. "Bless you, boy! Bless you." Peter says while flinging himself onto Harry. "Get off. I said we'd take you to the castle after that the Dementors can have you." Harry says. 

"Turn me into a maggot. A dung beetle. A flobberworm. Anything but the Dementors." Peter says as they walk through the woods. Ron walks out. "Ron Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat." Peter asks. Ron looked at him like he was crazy. All of a sudden a sleepwalking Snape walks into a low limb. "Don't worry. He is under the Somnambulist Charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged." Hermione says. Pettigrew grabbed Hermione's robes. "Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them." Peter says but Hermione wasn't listening she tugged her robes away. "Beautiful isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors.  It'll be nice to do it again. Freely. That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it." Sirius says to Harry. "I don't reckon my father would want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew. Besides being dead, the truth dies with him. Alive you're free." Harry says. 

~Harry POV~

"I don't know if you know, Harry, but when you were born, James and Lily made me your guardian." Sirius says. "I know." I say.  "Well, I'll  understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know you could." Sirius says. I couldn't believe what he was saying he wanted me to stay with him. "When! Come live with you?" I ask him. "Soon as my name is cleared." Sirius says with a huge grin. I might actually get to be a part of a family. 

~Ginny POV~

As we continued walking back to the castle I walked close to Blaise. "How are you?" He asks. "I've definitely had better days. I just can't believe he cheated on me." I tell him. I looked up at the sky and the moon was full, but something caught my attention. "Harry." I call. He turns and looks at what I'm pointing at. Lupin was twitching. "Remus, old friend did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius asks. Lupin was twitching still as he shook his head. "Run all of you!" Sirius yells. I couldn't move, I could feel Blaize pulling on me trying to get me to come with him to safety. No one else was moving except Sirius who walked towards Lupin. "You know the man you truly are, Remus. The flesh is only flesh. This heart is where you truly live" Sirius says beating on his chest. Lupin drops his wand and Peter takes no hesitation and grabs his wand. "No. Expelliarmus!" Harry shouts causing Lupin's wand to fly from Peter's hand. Peter stood there frozen with a sinister grin on his face, he began to turn into a rat. Peter darts through the woods, as a howl is let out and Sirius was thrown into the air.

Lupin was no longer human he was a wolf. "Professor?" Hermione says hesitantly. His teeth were sharp and a growl escapes the creature. We began to run but we all tripped over each other. "Out of the way!" Snape snaps. Snape jumps in front of us shielding us from danger. The werewolf sprints towards us and from midair a black dog jumps on the wolf. The dog was trying it's best to keep the wolf back. "Sirius." Harry screams as the dog yelps in pain, the werewolf flings him into the tall grass near us. Harry pushes past Snape and runs into the night. Hermione and I try to follow him but Snape holds us back. "Harry!" I scream. 

~Harry POV~

I ran through the night I had to get to Sirius he was the only family I had left, I couldn't lose him. Under the full moon I could see the two figures well. He was going to kill Sirius and I couldn't let that happen, I picked up a thick branch from the ground and I threw it at the wolf. Bullseye. The wolf freezes and turns to me. "Please Professor stop. It's me." I say. He lets out a howl and runs into the woods. I ran down to the water's edge. "Sirius." I scream  The wind begins to blow and I feel the chill run down my spine, it was dementors. "No! No! Expecto Patronum!" I scream. The dementors kept coming they weren't backing down. "Expecto Patronum!" I scream again. The dementors begin to twist and evaporate. 

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