My Granddaughter Molly

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"Hey, you two!", Pam said in a low but still excited voice. "Or should I say, you three!"

"Hi, Mom!", said Sam, getting up. He hugs his mother and then Grinch. "Or should I say, Grandma."

Pam laughs. "Touché."

"How are you feeling, Gluntz?", Grinch asked.

"Fine. Thanks", she answered.

Pam walked over to the bed and smiled when she saw her granddaughter. Like Sam before her, she had tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh. How cute." The baby started reaching excitedly at Pam. "May I hold her?", she asked Gluntz.

"Of course."

Pam held the baby, smiling down at her, softly bouncing her arms. She twiddled her fingers in front of the baby.


Pam remembered this little moment after the wall finally crumbled. Guy and Michellee came over with their newborn son. E.B. gasped, ran over, hugged Guy and took the baby in her grasp.

"Hello, my little brother", she said to him in a soft voice. "Oh ho."

Then Sam walked over, linking his hands together under his chin, saying a muted "Aww..." E.B. then handed the baby to him. "Is this baby Sam?", he asked.

The newborn laughed and smiled.

Guy was about to say something, but Michellee stopped him. "Guy Jr."

Sam smiled down at Guy Jr. and said, "I've always liked that name."

When Pam herself approached, Guy Jr. began excitedly reaching up to her and cooing in joy. The spy happily accommodated the infant, holding him high up at eye level before holding him close.

"Oh, hello, hello!", she said to him.

"You know, Pam-I-Am? You really are a good parent", Guy told her.

"And you're a great friend. Thank you for always being there for my son. All of you."

Guy, Michellee and E.B. stepped closer to her. Pam twiddled her fingers in front of Junior as he grabbed at them as a mini game.

Pam brought her mind back to the present. This time she wasn't holding her son's friend's child. Instead she was holding her first born grandchild. She joked about it very briefly when Gluntz revealed her pregnancy a few weeks back when she said, "I've only been reunited with my son for seven months and I'm already about to become a grandmother."

Now, that fateful day has come at last.

A baby girl was cradled in her arms. A baby girl who bore a striking resemblance to her mother besides the small strand of white hair on her head, which she got from her father.

Pam couldn't be happier for her son. And even though she's only just met her granddaughter, she loved every fiber of her existence. Pam sniffled in an effort to fight back her tears.


She walked over to her boyfriend, who also smiled widely. Pam handed her granddaughter to Grinch, who raised her up to get a better look at her in the light.


Pam (and the writer) probably knows what you're thinking: Is the Grinch good with kids? In short, he is. Actually, in leading up to the baby's birth, he and Pam helped put appliances together in the nursery for the baby.

While Sam and Gluntz were out at Lamaze classes, Pam and Grinch were clad in painter's smocks, giving the nursery a coat of purple. They figured it was a gender-neutral color and were playing it safe.

Every once in a while, Grinch would stop painting to catch his breath, but there was no stopping Pam. She seemed to be radiating pure excitement as she colored the walls a soft tinge of mulberry. Gluntz had the heat on blast in the winter, but Pam either didn't notice or didn't care.

Grinch smiled smugly as his girlfriend daubed the walls without stopping. "Pam, honey, why don't you take a load off?"

"Because I want my grandbaby's room to be absolutely perfect, Grinchy!" She finally paused, setting the paint roller down in the tray and wiping the excess off on her smock before wrapping her hands around the back of his neck. At her full height, Pam was eye-level to Grinch's chest, so she had to tilt her head back to share his gaze. "Everything has to be flawless."

"I'm sure it has to be." He wrapped his own arms around her. His lips spread across his face in a smile. Then he started to lean in closer for a kiss, closing his eyes. Pam stood on her toes to bring herself closer.

Their lips met.


The couple jumped apart at Sam's sudden return.

"Sorry. Am I interrupting?" He laughs a little.

Pam and Grinch look at him in a way that said "You think?"

"Guess I am. Well, I was just letting you know we're back." Then Gluntz came lumbering next to him, her swollen belly looking like it was full to bursting.

"Hey, you two", said Grinch. "Did the class go well?"

"Yep", Gluntz answered. Then she loudly crunched into an apple. "Room's looking great, guys. Thanks."

"No prob, sweetie", said Pam. She takes off her smock and hangs it on the tarp-covered rocking chair before walking out.


"Did you two name her yet?", he asked.

They did indeed. Sam and Gluntz exchanged a knowing glance to each other. Gluntz sat up and said, "I think you should do the honors, Sam."

He nods and turns around.

"Her name is Molly", he said. I've always liked that name, he said to himself. "Molly-I-Am."

"Well, hel-lo, little Molly", Grinch said in a sing-song voice. He then handed her back to Pam, who now had tears flowing.


Pam remembered as clear as crystal when Sam told her the story of his friend from the orphanage.

Of course, when Sam talked about the orphanage in any capacity, Pam was overrun with guilt. She'd never quite gotten over leaving him there; it was already too much when Melanie was taken by CPS, but the fact that she willingly handed Sam over would've been the final straw had she not been forgiven. She knew that she did it to protect him, but her actions didn't one hundred percent dictate her emotions. As a hardened spy, she had to learn to keep her emotions in check.

She only dropped that demeanor around the family.

First when Sam told her about Molly from the orphanage.

Second was when Sam sent her a snapshot of the baby's ultrasound. Luckily for her Grinch was around to share in the celebration.

And the third was right now, finally meeting her granddaughter for the first time.


"Molly-" She sniffles. "Welcome to the family."

Green Eggs and Ham: Extra Bit(e)s - Pamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن