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It was a really crummy looking day. It was raining, it looked grey outside, everything looks muddy, and of course the most that Rocky absolutely hates, it was wet. But it was about to become extreme, there was going to be a thunderstorm coming during the night and it was going to be big.

J&R Mother: ok guys, you all tucked in?

Rocky and Joshie: yes

J&R Mother: ok, I'll see you guys in the morning. Love you

Rocky and Joshie: love you too mom

She closed the door as the two boys began going to sleep. Until a big crash of thunder scared Rocky awake. He jumped on Joshie's bed and hid underneath the blanket.

Joshie: you ok Rocky?

Rocky: y.. yeah, j... just don't like thunder

Joshie: you don't have to fear. Thunder isn't scary

Rocky: h.. how?

Joshie: it's fun to listen to

Rocky: it's scary to listen to, that's what it is

Joshie: your just being silly, brother

Rocky: *whimpering*

Joshie: awwwww it's ok Rocky

Rocky: can I sleep up here with you, Joshie?

Joshie: sure, why don't you grab your stuff and bring it up here?

Rocky: ok, thanks buddy

Joshie: yeah, no prob bud

Rocky came down on the floor and grabbed his things, bringing his stuff back on the bed with Joshie. They said goodnight to each other and went back to sleep. Only for Rocky to get startled again by the thunder again and hid under the blankets again.

The next day came, the storm was finally over. Joshie woke up with great excitement in his step, but as for Rocky, not so much. He was exhausted from being awake from the storm, so he felt really tired.

Joshie: aren't you coming?

Rocky: no, I'm really tired. I didn't get any sleep last night, because of the storm

Joshie: oh, well you can just stay in bed today

Rocky: but, I wanted to hang out with you today *yawns*

Joshie: well, why don't you rest first, then we can hang out

Rocky: ok, I guess

Joshie: have a good rest buddy

Rocky: thank you brother

Joshie: your welcome

Joshie left to go do his own thing, leaving Rocky to sleep without any problems. Once he finally woke up, he was ready to spend time with his brother. Only one problem, there was another thunderstorm coming and they couldn't go outside. It was also nighttime, so they couldn't go and play.

Rocky: ooooohhhh

Joshie: hey Rocky

Rocky: but............I

Joshie: I know and I'm sorry things didn't work out today

Rocky: *sighs* it's fine, Joshie. I guess we'll just do some stuff tomorrow. Come on, let's get to bed

Joshie: but, you haven't had dinner yet

Rocky: oh right*giggle*

After dinner, the two boys went to sleep once again. But one thunder noise scared Rocky awake once more.

Rocky: oh c'mon!?

Joshie: looks like another thunderstorm is coming

Rocky: great, just great

Rocky had trouble sleeping once again, but this time, he tried to ignore it. But soon, he thought he heard a noise at the window. He got up to go see what it was and it was baby birds that were at their window, out in the windy outdoors.

Rocky: *gasps* Joshie!?

Joshie: yes

Rocky: there are baby birds out in the thunderstorm!

Joshie: *gasps* we have to save them

Rocky: but it's..... raining

Joshie: listen to me Rocky. You can do this, I believe in my brother that he can save the baby birds from the storm

Rocky: can you come with me?

Joshie: of course, now let's go!

They ran outside in the poring rain, as Rocky braved through the storm and the rain. Even though he was getting all wet from the storm, he was determined to save the baby birds. They finally reached over to their bedroom window and Saw the baby birds in distress. Joshie gave Rocky a boost up to the window and once he was hoist up, he grabbed the nest to the baby birds.

Joshie: Rocky! You did it!

Rocky: well, I couldn't have done it without you pal

Joshie: your welcome my brother

Rocky and Joshie brought the baby birds over to a safe area and placed them safely at that area, where they wouldn't get hurt. They said their goodbyes to the baby birds and went back inside the house, to sleep. Which, Rocky was able to sleep better. He didn't think about the thunderstorm outside, he thought about the moment of saving the baby birds from the storm.

Once morning came, their parents came into their room to show them something adorable.

Rocky: I think I know what it is

J&R Mother: you do? What is it?

They got out of bed and took their parents to see what they did. It was the baby birds and their mother, coming to feed her little babies.

Rocky and Joshie: awwwwwww

Joshie: *sniffs* it's so cute

Rocky: we saved her babies from the storm last night

J&R Mother: aww good job you guys, you made the mother very happy

The mother bird came over to the two boys and chirped "thank you" to them for saving her babies.

Rocky: awww your welcome

Joshie: we're glad you're babies are safe

The mother bird landed on Joshie's finger and head nuzzled them both on their cheeks.

Rocky and Joshie: *giggle*

J&R Mother: well, that was really sweet of you two

Rocky: thanks mom. And you want to know the best part?

J&R Mother: what's that sweetheart?

Rocky: I'm not afraid of thunderstorms anymore!

J&R Mother: that's great honey

Joshie: yeah! Excellent!

The two boys high fived each other and went to go hang out. With Rocky knowing, he didn't have to fear the thunderstorm anymore, since he knew that the thunderstorm last night, was the night he saved baby birds from the thunderstorm. And he was proud to keep that memory for the rest of his life.

The End.

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