throwing up

497 8 1

agere!reader x cg!kate bishop

Kate continued rubbing your back in circles as you sat on the floor next to her while throwing up into the toilet. "Are you feeling bet-," she asked before she got cut off by you gagging.

"Mommy. Do I wook otay," you sassily asked.

Kate poked your side. "Hey! Don't talk to me like that, baby." You both sat there in comfortable silence and after a few minutes, Kate noticed that you stopped vomiting so she gently picked you up and set you down on the sink counter. She gently wiped your face with a wet cloth. "Feel better now?"

You laid your head on her shoulder. "Uh huh."

She quickly asked, "Little one, whatdya wanna eat? You need something in your system-"

You pulled Kate closer to your body and whispered in her ear, "Pancakes. Onwy is Mommy makie them."

Kate carried you down to the kitchen and she sat you down on the chair. "Wait here."

She hurried to make some pancakes while listening to some music. She then fed you while you played on her phone.

"Momma? Is you aways wubs me?"

Kate looked at you with soft eyes as she caressed your cheek. "Always and forever, my little one," she said as she delicately kissed your forehead.

this is dedicated to  @KatieRomanoffBelova

Hailee steinfeld (and characters) x reader (fem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora