
As I hold onto Harry for dear life I can feel his heart beating in his chest. All I can focus on is the thumping, the flutter of his heart. I should be embarrassed by my sudden outburst. I should be frightened by the aftermath of my terrifying memory. I'm not though. I think i'm in a type of shock, perhaps...

Thump, Thump, Thump.

"I just want to go home." I whimper again.

"Ssshh," Harry whispers while holding me tighter. "Can someone drive us home?" Harry asks as he reaches into his back pocket for something. My parents house is not the home I am talking about.

"Y-yeah. I will." I hear my sister stutter and Harry wastes no time on guiding me out the door.

"Sir!" Someone yells. Despite my dazed state, I remember matching the French accent to be the voice of our waiter. "Sir, wait!" He yells again and we stop. "You left $500 on the table, Sir. Your bill was under $300 dollars so-"

"Keep it." Harry tells the waiter. He must have reached into his pocket earlier for his wallet.

Everything is in slow motion. Or is it in normal time? I honestly have no clue, but what I do know is I am now in the backseat of the blazer with Harry. My sister starts the engine from the drivers seat.

"Do you feel light headed? We can drive you to the hospital. Can you breath alright? I can-" Harry starts asking all kinds of things in a rush.

I feel exhausted. I lean my head into the crook of my boyfriends neck... Well, fake boyfriend.

"I'm fine, Dimples. I wasn't having an attack." I sigh, silencing his rambling.

"What was it then? Are you sure you're alright?" Harry asks. His voice is lower than I ever have heard before.

"No. I'm not alright." I whisper.

He doesn't say anything more. Like me, he surrenders and relaxes his head against mine. The worry lines on his forehead remain mixed with confusion. He sees that I just need a moment to breath.

I sigh and close my eyes, exhausted. A hand strokes my hair and I feel so much more relaxed by the gesture.

"It might not seem like it, but everything will be okay." Harry whispers and I drift to sleep.


I stir in my sleep. The sound of crickets fill my ears followed by the sound of car doors shutting. I come to the realization that I am moving. My eyes peak open.

"Hey." Harry says in a tired voice. "I didn't mean to wake you. I was carrying you inside. We are back at your parents place."

I smile because Harry is too damn sweet of a person. "I can walk, Harry."

"Relax and stop squirming." He chuckles. I relax deeper into his arms as we make our way inside.

Mother and father find a seat on the couch. Mothers clenched jaw reminds me that she is not pleased that I embarrassed her.

Harry clears his throat and mothers eyes flicker to Harry and back at the ground. "We are both beat. I think I can speak for the both of us that we are going to turn in for the night." Harry says, making the atmosphere a wee bit lighter.

Dad yawns and nods. "Thank you for dinner. Lena, you should probably go back to the hotel before it gets late." He says after brushing off Harry's dismissile.

We walk down the hall and turn into our room. Harry lays me down on the bed. I want to sink into the pillow into a deep slumber but I remember something. I sit up slowly in bed.

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