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Renjun's bangs covered his eyes as he wrote swiftly all over the page. This was his forth page this afternoon. Each paper being a4 sized.

Renjun often sat quietly in the library after schools studying or working. It seemed like all he knew what to do. Study, work, read. Renjun didn't mind though. He didn't care what people thought. Studying was what got him to the number one position in the school, he won't be suddenly changing ways any time soon. Especially since exams are coming up this week, he wants to do extra well this year and maybe do something more... Fun... When the week is over. Renjun usually finds himself alone and bored on weekends when he's not studying. He often runs off to Mark's dorm to pass time on those type of days.

Haechan on the other hand. Completely different. Haechan didn't care for studies, he thought they were stupid. Every exam he's ever taken he just hopes for the best and does whatever he thinks it's right. Usually he doesn't fail that bad, just average marks. Average worker. But who cares when you're above average when it comes to looks and popularity, Haechan doesn't. Haechan's life consists of hook ups and parties every second day. Life's boring, why not make the best of it? Especially during college years. Sure he gets judged over it, but what other people think is irrelevant to him. He lives his life how he wants to, not how other people think he should.

People have caught on to how different the two are. If the school had to choose two people in the campus that were complete opposites, it would be Huang Renjun and Lee Donghyuck. It was unusual seeing them together. The only reason they do end up together is because they share a mutual friend, Mark. They've tried to get along, they have, but it's too difficult.

When they first met, Renjun couldn't stand how Haechan made fun of his choices with studies, in return Renjun mocked Haechan's sex life. That started the feud between the two.

Renjun thinks Haechan is too loose. Too unbothered and carefree.

Haechan thinks Renjun is too strict and too self absorbed.

And they both weren't afraid to share this. Leaving poor Mark in an awkward situation every time both of his friends were in the same room breathing the same air.

So when Renjun heard the irritating sounds of Haechan. You best believe his chest tightened.

With his head down still looking at his notes, he heard Haechan say goodbyes to one of his friends before walking off somewhere. And unfortunately that somewhere was the shelf right behind Renjun's table.

"Still studying, Huang?"

Renjun chose to ignore the comment, he flicked through the textbook beside him.

Haechan snatched the textbook from his hand and closed it.

"What's your problem?" Renjun got up from his seat, attempting to steal the book off him.

"No. What's your problem? Didn't anyone teach you, ignoring people when they're talking to you isn't very nice."

"Fuck off." Renjun growled, face growing more red by the second.

"Ouch. So hurtful. Anything else you'd like to say?" Haechan smiled. It wasn't a nice smile though. It was a 'know it all' sort of smile that only irked Renjun more.

"Go away. Oh and fuck you."

"You wish you could." Haechan dropped the book back onto the table.

Renjun's face heated up even more, "You're gross."

"Gosh, you already know you'll get the highest mark, why are you even studying?"

Renjun plopped down back into his chair, he wasn't even sure himself. He just kinda did it.

"No response. Exactly, there's no reason. This is why you only have two friends." Haechan scoffed, sitting on the table in front of Renjun.

"Can you seriously go away? Before you get kicked out for being too loud."

"I don't hear any teachers coming to 'kick me out.' Anyways to get to the point..." Haechan moved Renjun's books to the side.

"What now?"

"I want you to give me your study notes for the test."

Renjun genuinely laughed, "And what makes you think I'll hand them over?"

"Listen here." Haechan grabbed Renjun by his shirt, "You will give me those notes."

"Only if you do something in return."

"Fuck of course you're one of those. As long as it's something not ridiculous."

"You're a spoiled little rich boy. Why don't you buy me a high quality bag? Mine is getting worn out." Renjun smirked, resting his hand onto his chin.

"Bag?" Haechan bit back a grin, "Yeah okay sure whatever. Just give me those notes, Huang."

"I'll give them on Tuesday. I need to finish writing these ones," Renjun cleaned up his pile, "And I have many others back at my dorm."

"Good." Haechan slid down from the table and ruffled Renjun's hair.

"Don't touch me."

"Don't touch me." Haechan mimicked and flicked Renjun in the forehead. It was hard too, the surface he flicked began to turn red.

Renjun groaned and rubbed the irritated area.

"If you want my notes then maybe you should stop bothering me and let me finish. You're only messing yourself up here."

Haechan pouted, "You're no fun. Enjoy the rest of your sad afternoon, Huang."

Haechan walked towards the exit, he gave one last look at Renjun. Renjun stuck his tongue out and returned to his note taking. He didn't care look up to see Haechan's reaction.

Just looking at Haechan alone leaves Renjun with a headache. Talking to him, that causes a whole skull splitting migraine.

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