Down Memory Lane

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After Robyn entered back into her hanger, she stopped a moment to reflect on what just happened, she felt she could be sort of questionable now to the others, if she didn't mention her night terrors it could have gone differently and may have stayed to see what they were doing in there. She shook the thoughts away and sighed before returning to bed, taking a bit longer than normal to fall back asleep. Once the next morning came, she woke and exited her hanger, she then could see Maru coming up to her.

"How's that burn doin'?" He asked.

"It seems to not hurt as much as yesterday." Robyn answered, she kinda forgot about it since last night.

"Good, head inside and we'll get it fixed up and painted." Maru turned around with her in tow and followed him inside his garage. Maru grabbed an air sander off a shelf. "Good thing this burn isn't as bad as most, so this will be quick... and easy." He stated as he switched it on and started to smooth the area of the burn, luckily Robyn didn't feel any pain. After the sanding he set it aside and went to grab the HVLP paint gun and hooking it up, testing the air pressure, and sprayed the paint along the bare metal. There was then the sound of an alarm that echoed through the base, but Patch's voice over the intercom didn't happen this time. Robyn then could see Blade, Dipper and Windlifter come in view out front of the garage.

"What's happening? Why isn't Patch announcing about the fire?" Dipper asked their Chief.

"It's not a fire this time." Blade said and rolled over in Robyn's direction. "Robyn, I got an emergency call from Patch up in the tower that we got a camper that is trapped in the river near Rail Ridge." He said, Robyn's eyes widen.

"W-Wait what?!" She exclaimed. "What do we do?"

"You are the only one here that is experienced in this kind of field, me and Windlifter will tag along, come on we need to get going now." Blade backed up starting his engines along with Windlifter.

"Good timing too, I just finished the paint and should dry quick, now get! Go save that camper!" Maru urged and she was immediately out and props spinning, lifting off in the air and following the two copters to the location. As the three flew they were coming up to Canopy Dome and the river connected to Anchor Lake.

"Here's the plan, Robyn, you will take on pulling that camper from the river and getting them to an open area, Windlifter will then airlift them back to the Lodge for medical care, I'll radio Dynamite to have the Smokejumpers waiting beside the lake to strap them to the carrier, I'll keep an eye above." Blade radio through to the two. "Robyn head down there now."

She quickly descended down toward the raging river and followed it down until she could see a yellow-colored car going under and resurfacing from the water. "I found them Blade! I'm going in." She radioed and flew faster to catch up, opening her side door to prepare her hoist. As she rushed along down above the river, she couldn't help being blasted from the past, threw her eyes she envisioned the ocean below her, high waves slamming into each other and the sound of whirling propellers roaring around her of her once coast guard team, and hearing faint voices of orders being given out by someone unknown, this all made her completely still and gone blank from the real world. The voice that came through her radio started to come clear slowly.

"Robyn!?" The voice bellowed. "ROBYN PULL UP! PULL UP NOW!" It was Blade, she blinked back to reality and first thing she saw was a downed tree straight ahead and quickly lifted up, a branch slightly grazing her side, breathing heavily from being startled, Blade came through again.

"What are you doing down there?! Stop daydreaming and get that camper before they sink!" He spoke.

"I-I'm on it!" She replies back and continued on until she was ahead of the car and waited for a clearing. Once the car was in a seemingly good open part of the river, she aimed the hoist and tossed in its direction, only to bounce off the side of the car and fell into the water, the current getting it snagged between some rocks, she pulled and tugged to get it loose. "Come on, come on not now!" She shouted and pulled hard as she could, then was jerked back quick making a small spin when her line snapped, seeing no hoist hook and just a plain line. "Oh no.." She murmured and contacted the chief immediately. "Blade! My line got stuck and it's broke, I need your help!"

"It broke? Hang on I'm coming down." He answered as Robyn saw the red copter fly overhead of her and headed straight down the river with his hoist at the ready, in the next clearing Blade tossed the line and hooked the car from the back lifting them out and flew to an open field where he lowered the car and unhooked his hoist, retracting it back in. Windlifter lowered down so the Smokejumpers could secure the car in the carrier to be lifted off safely, once situated the three copters followed him to the Lodge where an ambulance was waiting. After being safely delivered they flew back to base and landed, everyone else had gathered to hear about what happened, but Blade had other things to deal with first and approached Robyn, he didn't even have to use words to show he was upset, his expression said it all.

"What happened out there? I thought you knew what you were doing in these sorts of situations?" Blade said in an irritated tone. "You almost got your own self killed out there, is this what they train you to do in the Coast Guard?" This made Robyn look straight at him and glare daggers, if looks could kill, this would have been one of those moments, everyone went dead silent.

"Oh boy..." Maru mumbled.

"Listen here mister... you clearly know nothing about the Coast Guard and it's techniques of training, I served for 22 damn years in the Guard and my missions happened over the vast oceans, not rivers filled with barricades of debris!" She snapped, thus making Blade back up a little in surprise of her outburst. "I advise you put your nose in a book sometime about the Coast Guard before you start spilling trash on something you have little knowledge of!" She huffed before turning around and stopping for a moment. "Maybe it was good of me to quit the guard when I did... so, I wouldn't risk losing any more lives over my simple preventive mistakes..." She paused. "If I can't even put out a measly fire then what's the point of being here..." With that she started up her engines and took off. Blade watched her disappear out of sight, not saying anything, neither did the team.

"Blade...?" Dipper spoke low, the chief didn't move nor reply but he was listening. "What are you going to do now...?"

It took him a moment to answer, like he was thinking. "I know it would, be the thing to let her off from being certified for what she did but, I'm not going to, she's got potential... I just took it too far and my frustration got the best of me." He made a deep sign and shut his eyes for a moment. "Let her cool down, someone let me know when she returns, so I know she's safe." He rolled away and went toward his hanger to turn in for the night. Everyone else did too except for Windlifter and Dipper, they were worried about Robyn, and decided to stay outside and wait for her.

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