Chapter 5

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Sidney now sat at the police station, as they tried searching for her dad.

"Did you find him?" She asked.

"You're sure it was the Hilton?" Dewey asked.

"At the airport."

"He's not registered there. Could he have stayed somewhere else?"

"I don't know. I guess." She sniffled and rubbed her forehead.

"Don't worry Sid, we'll find him."

"Dewey, they got that mask." An officer said, putting a paper on his desk as Dewey stood up.

"I'll be right back."

Sidney looked in a window, to see billy talking to sheriff Burke.

"Let me ask you this, what are you doing with a cellular telephone son?"

"Everybodys got one, Sheriff. I didn't make those calls, I swear." Billy said.

"Why dont you check the phone bill for Chrissakes? Call vital phone comp. They got the records of every number dialed."

"Thanks Hank, we're on top of it." Sheriff Burke said sarcastically then turned back to Billy. "What were you doing over at Sidney's house tonight?"

"I wanted to see her, that's all."

"And last night, Sidney said you crawled through her window last night too."

"You went out last night?" Hank said, turning to Billy surprised.

"I- I was watching TV. I got bored, I decided to go for a ride."

"Did you happen to ride by Casey Beckers house?"

"No. No I didn't. Sheriff, I didn't kill anybody." He said, pretending to be shocked, simply acting as if he didn't do it and he was innocent.

There was a brief silence in the room, before Sheriff Burke spoke up again.

"We're gonna have to hold you son, until we get those phone records."

Billy held tears, his eyes glossy. He was glad that Raven had also taught him some Theater tricks she had learned as well, one of which was fake crying.

He was also in that same class with Stu and her, he just never paid attention much.

She had a plan for every single plan, in case something went wrong- well, mostly every plan.

"This is crazy. I didn't do it." He spoke silently, and turned back to look out the window and saw Sidney staring back at him.

A bunch of reporters on the outside of the station, including Gale.

"They're not letting anyone in." Kenny told Gale.

"I'm not just anyone." She said, going up to the police station as she talked to the camera.

"Hey, watch it." One officer said, as she neared the entrance. Officers attempted to stop her, and block the camera but she went through them.

Billy was led out the office, he saw Sidney. He looked around briefly for Raven, but she wasn't there. She was with Tatum.

He looked back to Sidney, saying "tell them sid! Come on Sidney, you know me. Sidney, look at me." And they led him into another room.

Tatum and Raven went up to her and kneeled down next to her.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Raven asked as sidney wiped her tears. Sidney nodded.

"They sell this costume every five and dime in the state, there's no way to track the purchase." Dewey handed Sheriff Burke the costume as he examined it.

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