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(the strong urge to avoid someone or something.)

15th June, 2019

THERE are two infectious things in this world, according to Han Ju Ho

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THERE are two infectious things in this world, according to Han Ju Ho. The love for food and sunshine energy. The origin of sunshine energy was partly from scrumptious and appealing food alongwith refreshing winds one is exposed to, from time to time.

Ju Ho's face basked in the balmy rays of sunlight, that filtered through the glass windows and rose tinted curtains on his left side. A large patch of sweat had formed along the hemline of his white tee's neckline and at the back. The blades of the old fan rotated at its best speed trying to filter out the stagnant air in the room.

His long, slender fingers kneaded a fresh batch of dough. He wasn't really looking forward to having tons of customer early in the morning. Normally, his busy days were the weekends, when the crew of television shows dropped by, after wrapping up, thanks to all the positive reviews on the internet, that his career as a baker had earned him.

The new tenant was supposed to move in that day. 'Wind Bakery' occupied the ground floor of the two-storey building. The first floor was unoccupied since a couple of months. He wasn't expecting someone to rent it out for the whole of one year. It was quite interesting, as it was the first time he was observing such an incident. Tenants usually lasted a maximum of six days because of the rent, during the peak tourism season.

The landlord, Mr. Hwang wasn't really a pleasant person to begin with. His vinegar temper prevented him from treating his tenants amiably. Despite owning a great deal of property, both in the Jeju Islands and Seoul, he was quite the miser. He wouldn't even pinch in a thousand won for charity or for the local carnival.

Jeju Islands has had a sharp increase in population since a couple of years. Citizens looking for a nice change of air surely preferred Jeju. Soap operas were often shooted at the vibrant suburbs. Visiting Jeju Islands was a trend, to put into simple words.

Water cascaded down briskly from the mouth of the tap and washed away the remnants of flour off his hands. Letting the cotton of the towel run over his moist hands, he looked at the clock. There was still forty minutes left for the clock to strike seven.

He took some long strides towards the exterior of his space and switched on the light. Immediately, rays of soft beige light spread across the sign on the wall of the counter. It was a small luxury he allowed himself to afford. He had got the sign specially made from Seoul last summer. He fancied the cursive calligraphy font and the dot of the 'I' of 'Wind' morphed into the shape of a mini muffin.

The glass divisions of the display were empty. He brushed the disinfectant sprayed towel over and inside of each division of the display. He could see early birds and pedestrians pacing back and forth on the street, through the pentagon shaped transparent glass present on the wooden door.

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