The Fall(Sammy's POV)

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Mia and I were having a girly over the top sleepover . Like anyone would have had.We had just woke up and were playing soccer outside . When I had accidentally kick the ball into a hole Mia went to go get it she must have tripped and fell because next thing I know Mia was falling down the hole and screaming for help. I ran over and I crouched over it thinking I would hear a thud and get a long rope to pull her up but I felt something on my back push me into the hole. And soon was falling,falling,and falling into the darkness.
I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was white just white until colors started to form. First red,then orange, than yellow, green, indigo, blue and purple and just more darkness. I heard Galloping up in the distance. I got up on my knees still seeing darkness until a sort of light appears. MIA'S PHONE! I got up and tackled her with a big
hug. But then I realized that there was light in the distance I got up, with my legs wobbling and walked over to light source. I was scared. "I found the ball" yelled Mia. I grin while I was truly terrified. When I reached the lights there were people, humans. There was a boy and three other girls and I the middle...was a girl with blonde flowing and and a jeweled tiara on her head.
"Hello" the girl in the middle said "I am Kayla, welcome to Pegacorna."
" where are we" Mia said
" why we are in the land of the Pegacorns, unicorns and Pegasus's mixed. We ride the Pegacorns and we live in my kingdom" she turned to an enormous castle made of... Crystals
"Woooooowwww" Mia's jaw dropped to the floor.
"this is Caralee, Reagan, and Sierra and they are riding Rainbow, Rosy Pie, and
And this is George" she said pointing to the boy "he is riding Cosmic".
The girls looked down and saw pink flutter flying by their feet. Mia shrieked.
"It's ok" said Caralee flicking the reins of her Pegacorns "they are just pixies
" Let's go get you cleaned up " said Reagan
They flicked their reigns and flew off to the palace

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