Chapter 1- Blue Blood

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The car swerved off track, breaking the barrier and pummeling into the swamp below.

A limp hand covered in glass shards and blood slowly turned blue. My heart was beating so hard I thought it would stop. I was stuck there, paralyzed with fear and the pain that shot through my veins. My throat hurt from screaming; screaming for help, but no one heard. No one was near. My eyes clouded up, my whole body was numb, and everything went dark.

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Where... Where am I?

I opened my eyes and saw machines beeping all around me. There was a mask on my face that fogged up every time I breathed. I tugged it off, annoyed, and gasped as I saw my arm.

Multiple needles and tubes were poked in deep, surrounded by swathes of blue, green, and purple blooming across my skin. I winced, feeling the pang in my wrist as I tightened my fists. The door slid open and I jolted.

"Oh good, you're awake," said the plump nurse, staring down at me.

"Where am I? Where is my mom?" I cried, starting to panic.

"Sweetie, do you not remember what happened? You were in a very bad car crash. Your mom didn't make it," she smiled sympathetically. "We're going to keep you here for a few more days though. To run some tests."

This had me panicking again. What kind of tests? Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared.

The nurse started grinning evilly. "Drop the act. We know what you're up to."

"What...What am I up to?" I asked, still confused.

"You have blue blood, and you're not injured after a brutal car crash. You're one of them," she shrank visibly. "That's why," she continued, "We're getting rid of you. The fewer of them, the better. Here, you might want this back."

She held up a ruby ring that glinted in the moonlight.

"HEY!" I shouted, "That's mine!"  I started to struggle, twisting and turning as the nurse laughed again.

"Don't bother, you're strapped to the bed."

I looked down and gasped as I found my legs and stomach tied up with bed sheets. The machine next to me started beeping loudly.

"Don't worry. Let your black heart beat out while it still can," the nurse said. She placed the ring on the bed stand, just out of my reach. "I'll be leaving this right here," she purred tauntingly.

She gave a maniacal laugh and locked the door behind her as she left the room.

I was one of them? Who exactly were they? And what did she think I was trying to do?

I had to get out of here. I had to save myself. 

I tried to sit up but I was tied down, tight. I shut my eyes tight and started to rip off the tubes and needles stuck into my arms. It hurt. It hurt like crazy, but the thought of dying pushed me to keep going.

Rip off the tape. Untangle the tubes. Pull out the needles.

I heard footsteps and I started ripping faster. My arm started bleeding. The nurse was right. I really had blue blood.

No time to worry about that.

I had to get out before whoever was walking down that hall opened the door.

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