CHAPTER 421-430

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Interstellar Boss She's Beautiful and Sassy - Chapter 421 The new details that Ye Baiyu noticed! -69 Book Bar
2022-08-15 Author: Saito Cat

   Chapter 421 421. Charlotte's illegal red card appearance? The new details that Ye Baiyu noticed!
  Time passed by minute by minute, and after all this busyness, an hour is almost here.

   Several of the armor-making department have already started to work on their own, and the remaining one hour is simply not enough.

   They have to hurry every second to barely catch up.

  The time is too short, and everyone looks very focused.

  Anke saw everyone being so busy, so he took the initiative to help with the finishing touches, and placed some of the remaining small equipment and accessories by himself.

  Anke was very careful in doing things. She looked at Charlotte's mecha, and even placed the accessories of the mechanical arm directly at the mecha's feet.

   A senior from the Armour Department of Gevoth was standing on the floating escalator, repairing the arm in mid-air.

  The manipulator arm was badly damaged, and the volume of the lines and plates was relatively large. The senior was busy arranging new lines.

  Encore is also in this line of work, and naturally knows what the other party is going to do next.

   She looked at the ground, picked up a few boards, and with some effort went up another section of the suspended escalator, and handed the boards over.

   The other party thanked him and resumed his work.

  Anke stood by and watched, but couldn't help but leaned forward and took a closer look at the damage to the mechanical arm, thinking and analyzing it very seriously.

   If it was her, how would it be repaired?
  Enke watched for a while, then got off the suspended escalator again, ready to take the transport car back to the cockpit.

   However, at this time, the organizer of the competition suddenly issued an announcement.

   "If there is a violation of regulations in the competition, please wait for all participants in the venue. The judges are discussing and will give their opinions immediately."

   The staff repeated it twice to make sure everyone could hear it.

  Somewhat unexpected, which one is this sudden?
   Not only in the floating cockpit in the distance, but also in the area where the mecha is being repaired now, most of the people are showing a puzzled look.

  Gusta was originally in the cockpit watching the game, closely monitoring the situation on the field.

As one of the team leaders of the Mecha Branch, he was notified immediately that he would have a short video conference with the three judges and the team leader of Palton to discuss the specific handling of the offenders. Way.

   To be more specific, the three judges should discuss the violations of Charlotte and Nanxi, and then give relevant opinions.

   As soon as Gusta entered the video conference, he saw a familiar face—Professor Ye Baiyu from Palton.

   After Professor Wei Lan also entered the meeting, Lieutenant General Moore, among the three judges, spoke up.

Lieutenant General    Moore said: "If I remember correctly, the mecha maintenance area is a war-free zone. Charlotte of Gervos and Nanxi of Palton, both of them violated the rules of the game and should be out."

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