Chapter 3

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Yuki: "Hi, I already made my decision."


[Gabie's POV]

Today was the day was having our first meeting to discuss furthermore this contract and we decided to just have a discussion in his unit since it will be safer compared to a restaurant or somewhere in the town.

Me: "Thanks for having me and sorry for the intrusion"

So yesterday, I was so nervous after I saw him calling me but I felt relieved when he told me that he will agree to be my fake fiancé for six months. For today, we're just going to talk about the plan for the upcoming event and for other things.

Yuki: "Sorry if my flat was small"

Me: "No, it's fine and it's more comfortable. Actually, I like this kind of place though. Being in a big house alone is not fun at all." *chuckles*

Yuki: "I see. So shall we start?"

Me: "Yeah sure" *smiles*

[Yuki's POV]

It's weekend so we decided to discuss what will I do with this contract. As we start the discussion, I start to learn things about her.

Me: "Can I ask, the guy that was chasing you last time?"

Gabie: "Ah you mean Louis? The guy from the restaurant"

Me: "Yes. Ahm what kind of relationship do you have with him?"

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