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Continuing chapter 1:

"we just wanted to spend time with you dear." The queen answered sarcastically while a smile on her face. Kennedy didn't understand what she was trying to pull off but the king had the answer she was waiting for"Actually we wanted to ofer you the chance of singing in Christmas Eve a song for the New York citizens" he said while looking at the queen "what?" the queen whispered to the king.

Kennedy couldn't believe her self! Is she that much of a lucky girl? She has the dream of her life right in front of her and all she has to do is say "yes!, of course yes that's what I've been always dreaming for" now,Kennedy is day dreaming about her performance with billions and billions of people watching her while she remembered her self as a little girl watching singers preform their songs wondering if she could be like them one day, somehow all that was about to come true!

But the king interrupted her imagination by his words "But Kennedy, you have to know that dreams don't come that easily."

"What do you mean your majesty?" she inquired. "You have to work a little harder"

"What should I do?"she asked feeling a little bummed after she thought of it, her dream might not come true after all.

"I'll do what ever it takes for this,thats a life time opportunity" she continued. "You have to work on your American accent,you can't sing in New York with a southern accent." The king said "What's wrong my accent? My singing is better in southern,thats a huge problem for me I don't think I can do that."she said angrily while her face turned red because she is kind of embarrassed.

After the king told her that she had only one week to practice singing in an American accent or else this chance that would change her life will just fly away.she went back home full of hope and faith and belief in her self and mumbled to her self while looking at the mirror in her small room "you... you can do it Kennedy, yes you can, whenever you talk southern hit your self with... with that stick....yes you can do it" and held a stick and pointed it at her self.

Really, every time she spoke southern it had been only a few seconds before that thick stick was on her head. Do you think this will work? Can she do it? do you think training can get Kennedy speaking with an American accent only in one week?

Well only one way to find out read the next chapter and you will know what happens.(sorry it's a bit short but I really try doing longer) happy reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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