"Rea. He's Vella's man" Lucretia jokes

"Tia! Shh, I hate him, merely disgusted" Lestrange lied

Things could have gone worse. Riddle and her were paired for Dark arts. They had to duel. Now, everybody thought Tom was invincible. But to Avella he was just another person to duel. Merrythought thought the two most amazing and outstanding in dark arts. So why not be a pair?

To their distaste they were rocky at first, trying to at least break each others bones with jinxes and hexes. So Merrythought had to keep a close eye on the two.

Avella went to the library because why not? She was looking in one of the book aisles to see any book she could read. She was about to snatch one from the shelf when a hand came and grabbed it from the shelf before her. She turned around to be faced with Tom Riddle.

"Give me that book I saw it first" she crossed her arms

"No can do, you were too slow" he laughed hideously

Her rage boiled up so bad she got a book from a random shelf and smacked it wide in his face sending him back dropping the book, his face red with agony.  Everyone stopped their doings to see what the commotion was about.

"And I guess I was too fast I nearly swept you of your feet" she smiled and took the book he had dropped. Leaving a perplexed Tom Riddle in the aisle looking flushed.

She happily took the book out of the library and went to the girls bathroom to read. But this was no normal book. It had purple swirls on the front cover. And was insanely beautiful. She was about to open the book when she heard muffled cries. She went up to the cubicle and a girl with circles glasses and bunches kept out with tears in her eyes

"Go away!" She sneered and locked herself in the cubicle once more

It was Mrytle Warren. Everyone calls her moping moaning Mrytle.

Avella knew why. But she couldn't stand Mrytle, nobody could.

Avella walked to the upstairs bathroom, but on the way she bumped into Tom Riddle.

"Lestrange" he greeted coldly

"Riddle." She returned

"Why are you here at this hour?" He asked

"Could say the same, I was going to the bathroom" she smiled

"Oh." He looked at his shoes

"What we're you doing?" She looked straight at him

"Nothing." He said before sprinting off, her eyes followed him.

"Weird" she muttered to herself clutching the book and going to the bathroom. She sat down in a cubicle to open the book. This was an abnormal book, nothing like the ones usually in the library, someone must of put it there by accident. She opened the inside cover to see it was from the restricted section.

"Secret of the darkest art" she stared at it observing the pretty book

She flicked through the pages to see magic she never even thought about doing.

Who would want to read this type of book? Thought she.

Then it clicked, Tom had snatched it out of her hand, he must of put it there but left it not to cause suspicion. He needed that book.

But why?

She read and read until it was nightfall. The next day she was still in the cubicle, and had read the entire book on it.

When she walked out Tom was outside.

"The books due date has expired. You have to return it to the library" he looked at the girl desperately

"Why? I can still scan it back out because I haven't finished the book" she smiled at him which made him anger

"I need that book" he tried to snatch it from her grasp but she held it in the air

"No can do. I have it first, wait your turn" she sternly replied, he stayed quiet

Nobody had put Tom in his place. But why could she do it!

"I need myself to associate with the book. I will have that book" he looked at the girl with sweet detest

She went on with her day. Not caring about Tom or anyone. She wanted to play with him first before anything else. She knew Tom was up to no good but managed to deceive everyone with his charming looks.

Even she could of been deceived on the Hogwarts Express. But no.

Soon, Orion came over.

"Hey, Vella. Quidditch practice is tonight. See you there. Also, Tom wanted to see you after, bit weird but at the Astronomy tower.

And so she shrugged it off and carried in with her day.

Hey cherries! Thank you for reading!


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