🐠 Fish 🐠

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Name: Kanik

Nicknames/Aliases: Sea demon and witch are what others call him

Gender: Cis male

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 21

Birthday: August 2

Zodiac:  Leo

Species: Half siren, half witch

Powers: Siren wise, he has a beautiful singing voice that can lore others to his doom as well as letting out a painfully loud screech. Although he can do that, he normally uses magic in self defense since some seafolk aren't affected by it. His magic requires a lot of energy, especially because he uses his own blood in majority of it. Whether he turns the blood into a weapon or if he just used a few drops in a position, it takes a good amount of energy. The reason why he uses it is because siren blood enhances magic majorly and it's just a very versatile material.

Sexuality: Gay 💅

Occupation: Witch

Languages Known: Merfolk

Education: He's learned everything from his mom

Wealth: He doesn't do the whole civilization thing so he finds money to be useless

Backstory: His mother was an evil sea witch who killed off his father after he was born since that's all she needed from him. She raised him to be ruthless and to his priorities before those "under" him. She didn't really care much about him and put him through physical and mental abuse throughout his whole childhood. The only reason she even bothered having a child was to pass down her family legacy and to have a constant supply of siren blood. This caused Kanik to have severe trust issues and social anxiety develop at a young age. The only good thing she did as a parent was to make sure he thought highly of himself and have him aware of his strengths. Unfortunately, that is what gave him the confidence to take her life. He was given the family spell book on his 16th birthday and he next day he was feeding whatever was left of his mother's body to the sharks. He's never felt freer than the day he killed his mother. He also felt sadness and guilt. So much guilt. Although she treated him horribly, he felt bad for doing such a thing to the woman who gave him a life with a purpose. That purpose being the best witch in the ocean and doing whatever he can to achieve that goal without showing a lick of mercy.

Looks/General Vibes:

the first one was done by Murderqueenstress  ♡♡

the first one was done by Murderqueenstress  ♡♡

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Description: His red eyes and tail are like a warning sign for the rabid dog he is behind his calm demeanor

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Description: His red eyes and tail are like a warning sign for the rabid dog he is behind his calm demeanor. Another warning would be his scars. His body is littered in scars from both himself and his mother, the deeper and more obvious ones mainly being from his mother. He hates them because they remind him of her, but he doesn't know advanced healing magic and refuses to ask others for help. So, they stay.

Physical Disabilities: None

Mental Disabilities/Illnesses: Social anxiety

Motivations: To become the best sea witch

Morality/Philosophy: No one but yourself is responsible for your actions

Strengths: His powers and his confidence in himself

Weaknesses: He's a bit overconfident and will pass out if he uses too much blood

Personality: Despite him not having many social skills, he's a very confident and egotistical individual. He absolutely hates not getting his way and will do anything to win. This could easily be his downfall if he was to ever meet anyone stronger than him as he wouldn't give up if challenged to a fight. He is pretty physically strong, though. He doesn't have muscles on top of muscles, but that doesn't mean he isn't strong.

Fears: Of being overpowered and hurt the same way his out parent hurt him

Likes: Little treasures he finds on the bottom of the sea floor, books, and challenges

Dislikes: People, when family is brought up, and his scars

Addictions: Does winning count?

Habits: Twitching his eyebrow when he's annoyed and going too far

Hobbies: Training and swimming across the bottom of the sea floor

Soft Spots: Food and gentle head pats if he gives you permission to touch him

Pet Peeves: Strangers touching him, used bandages just floating around in water, and people thinking that he owes them anything

Family: He only ever knew his mother and of his father and their both dead

Friends: Lol what friends?

Past/Current Lovers: He's never found someone he thought was worth trying

Feelings About Relationships: It's only a matter of time before the people in the relationship start feeling unhappy with being stuck to the other

S.O. Preferences: He never thought about it

Smut: Yeah but you're going to have to break threw the shell with this one

Virgin: ...Yes

Position/Roles: Power bottom (I like making bratty ocs okay I don't need to explain myself (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻)

Turn Ons: He's never had any sexual experience or have even really thought about it. but finds sharp teeth to be attractive

Turn Offs: Degrading and extreme pain

Vocality: A bit feminine to the point where some people mistake him as a female if they're not looking at him

Lucky Charms: His family spell book and a protective spell

Everyday Items: An old bag that he's made out of a net and his lucky charms

Music Taste: I don't know if seafolk have the same music genres and such as humans do but I imagine his two theme songs being My Prerogative by Bobby Brown and Sharks by Imagine Dragons

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