Waking Up

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Julieta woke up feeling the best she had in four days. After finally getting her migraine medicine back and taking two sleeping pills, she slept from 11:00 AM through lunch and dinner, or over seventeen hours straight. Her alarm clock went off at 4:30, a welcome change from the 4:00 wake-up call she had grown accustomed to over the years. She was full of energy after sleeping for so long, so she practically leapt out of bed, got ready for the day in record time, and headed down to the kitchen, which was still dark. Julieta smiled. She didn't beat Camilo downstairs often. Days like today were rare, so she was determined to enjoy it. As soon as she started the coffee and the warm water for the arepas con queso, Camilo entered the kitchen. Julieta was busy gathering ingredients and didn't turn around to look at him.

"I hear my favorite helper!" Julieta said happily as she measured out masarepa. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Sleepyhead?" Camilo replied with a yawn as he put on his apron. "It's 5:00 AM. And I wasn't the one who slept all day yesterday."

"The sleeping pills work really well with the migraine medicine."

"Apparently." Camilo walked over and gave Julieta a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, mamí. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Gracias, mijo, I-" Julieta froze and looked at Camilo, a big smile forming on her face. "You called me mamí."

"Well, of course I did. What else am I going to call you?"

Julieta studied Camilo's face, looking for any kind of hint that he was just playing a trick on her. There wasn't any. He was being completely serious. "Really?"

"Really what?"

"You're serious?"

"Serious about what? Calling you mamí? I've always called you that."

Julieta blinked. "You're playing a trick on me." As she studied Camilo's expression, she noticed something else. The yellow and orange ruana he loved so much was gone. Instead, it was mostly light blue with dark blue stripes and chameleons. "Where did you get that?"

"Get what?"

"The ruana. It's different."

"Mamí, I wear this literally every day." Now Camilo looked concerned. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He put a hand on her forehead. "No fever. Maybe you're still a little groggy from the sleeping pills."

"Cariño, I slept for seventeen hours. I'm awake. I just-" Julieta took a breath. "You are not my son. I so wish you were, but you're not, you're Pepa's."

The concern on Camilo's face got deeper and started to mix in some sadness. "Mamí, you're scaring me. Of course I'm yours. I'm one of your mellizos. Mirabel and Luisa are my sisters." Camilo gently steered Julieta into the dining room, stopping in front of the family tree mural on the wall. "Look," he said, pointing at the mural. Camilo and Isabela had switched places. "You and papá have three kids: Luisa, me, and Mirabel. Mirabel and I are twins. Tía Pepa has three, too. She has mis primas mellizas Dolores and Isabela, and mi primito Antonio. I'm your son, mamí, not tía's. I'll always be your son. The mural says so."

Julieta saw the worry in Camilo's eyes. It was the same look he had given her the day before when he took her to get her medicine, his blue ruana a comforting texture to touch as they walked. No. It was yellow. But the stripes were blue? No, that wasn't right, either. They were orange. Out of the corner of her eye, Julieta saw the candle's flame pulse with energy just once before Camilo got her attention again.

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