Im Always Calm When Im With You- End

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3rd Person POV

After Joe closes up the restaurant, Joe sits Cherry up gently and wheels him to his car. He scoops him up in his arms which makes Cherry grunt. Cherry says half asleep, "What are you doing moron?" Joe replies with a gently smile, "Don't worry about it, just go back to sleep." Without another word, Cherry goes back to sleep. Joe sits him in the passengers seat. He makes sure Cherry is comfortable and secure before buckling up and driving home.

Half an hour later he brings Cherry inside the house. By this time Cherry is starting to wake up.

Cherrys POV

Where am I? Wait...what is he doing? Am I at his-? "Morning sleeping beauty. What happened, I thought you were Repunzil?" I frown. "Let this be the last time I let my guard down around you-" Part of me was joking but another wasn't. I was kind've embarrassed that I did, especially around him. He responds with "oHHhhh so you admit you let your guard down. How cute~" And now I'm just angry. "Carla, take me home-" His smirk drops. " Yes master" My wheelchair starts heading to the door right before he grabs it. His face looked guilty. "Wait wait stop! Come on, just stay the night. I-Its already late and your already here..."

He looked like a lost puppy, and begged with those stupid puppy dog eyes! "Aghh very well." And with those words he gave me his smile. The smile that always reminded me of the sun. That always made my stomach twirl. I could feel my face getting warm so I brush past him.

"I hope you are aware that I have no clothing here." He looks after me and follows. "Well it wouldn't be the first time you wore my clothing." "Yes but the last time I did was when we were in high school and you weren't-" He cuts me off with a smirk. He flexes his arms and says "Wasn't as sexy~" I role my eyes. " Weren't the size of a house" I roll past him and role over his toe. He jumps up and yelps. "I should let you sleep naked you damn cinnamon stick!" He says as he rubs his foot.

Joe's POV

Kaoru roles over to the living room and says "You would enjoy that wouldn't you~" I was taken aback by this. Normally I'm the one who initiates the flirting. My mind manage to spit out "W-What?" He looks at me and rolls his eye. "Understand that I'd rather wear something ridiculous then have a thirsty gorilla like you look at my bare body-" My cheeks flush lightly, but I get an idea.

I act natural and role my eyes. "Whatever, I'll just bring you some clothes, but you have to wear whatever I give you." He dosnet pay any mind and just brushes it aside. I toss him a towel. "Go wash up as best you can, if you need wraps I have."

When he got into the bath, I grabbed his clothes and hid them. Then I went to look for the worst thing I can put him in. I thought about giving him a pillow case and let him get creative. Then thought to give him a sheet because that the equivalent of what he wears everyday. But none of that seemed fun. I looked around my closet and found something. I found some lingerie that a girl left in my house.

It made me realize how many girl I've slept with. All theses girls, all of this flirting, just because I want it to be him. I want him to respond to my flirting. I want to be able to touch him. To have him lay with me. To have him want me so desperately. To see him go to such extents and wear something like this. How I would love for that. Long for it. For him. All these girls are just another distraction for me. One girl after the other. They mean nothing to me. Because there is always another girl. But he's the only one. The only Kaoru. The only one I really want.

Anybody would take this opportunity. I could easily give him this, but- "Where is my clothes you damn moron!" I hear Kaoru yell from the bathroom. "The least you could've done is bring me something!" "Yeah yeah dont get your panties in a bunch." I shout out to him as I bring him the clothes he wants so desperately. I look at him peeking through the door. "I should beat your ass. You better give me back my original clothing." He says as he reaches his hand out. I hand him it. "Yeah you can't do much now, can you?" I walk to the room. And lay down. Maybe this will help me~

A few minutes pass and he rolls in wearing one of my green shirts. I could see him frowning and blushing lightly. What? Did you really think I was gonna give him the lingerie? Come on, that belongs to another woman. How horny do you think I am? Besides, I decided that I'd rather see him in something cute.

"I don't want to wear this-" He says as he rolls next to me. "Give me back my clothing" I sit up and look at him. I could see all his scars that were hidden under the bandages. I guess my face gave me away because he turned away and said "Stop staring, this isn't the first time I've been injured." I know he doesn't want me to worry but of course I can't help it.

I get up and go get the first aid, then put it on the bed. "Idoit I'm fine" He says before I pick him up and lay him on my bed. He yelps and pulls down his shirt. I forgot I didn't give him underwear, or shorts for that matter. We both got flustered but I needed to focus. "Kojiro....I am fine...let me go."

I look up at him and we lock eyes. He rarely calls me by my name but I'm not letting up this time. "I'm just putting your bandages back on. Just let me help." I start getting the bandages ready.

Cherrys POV
I didn't want him to have to stare at them, to stare at me in this state. I know it hurts him. "I can handle it by myself." I go to sit up before he pins me to the bed. I flush red. I can tell from my face burning. I looked up at him to stunned to say anything. His eyes were so determined. While my mind wondered off to other ideas his was strictly on helping me heal. "Stop fighting me. I have no problem keeping you pinned here all night." His voice was stern and never broke eye contact. I nod my head and let him wrap me up.

A few minutes in, I guess he realized how wrong his words and actions seemed because I could see him blushing. I don't blame him. I'm laying on his bed, in his shirt and nothing more. He had me pinned to his bed, while on top of me. Yes I think anyone would see how inappropriate the situation was. But I didn't mind it. I actually like when these things happen, as embarrassing as it is to say. But I do. It's the only time we get to be that close. That and when we argue.

"Done" He says to me as he finishes tapping the last wound. "No need to thank me" He sits up with a smile. I scoff "Like I would ever." I say just before he leans close to me. "Hey! I wrapped up your wounds! The least you could do is say Thank You!" I lean close to him. "I don't have to say anything! You pinned me down and just went at it!" I didn't realized how wrong that sounded, but he continued. "OH so what your saying is your a submissive bottom and all I gotta to do is get you flustered!?" And that's when it hit us both. We backed away from each other. We stood in silent for a bit.

I huff and said under my breath, "I am not a bottom-" He says "Prove it." We look at each other for a second before I lay down and cover up. "I would never fuck a stupid gorilla like you. Good night." I expected him to say something like your not sleeping here or say that I am a bottom or even be mad that I said I wouldn't fuck him. But instead he smiles and turn off the lights. He kisses my head and tells me, "That's okay, I wouldn't want it to happen this way either. Good night." And leaves the room. I was to surprise to say anything but it made me smile. I felt warm and happy to the point where I could fall asleep without any trouble. I'm always calm when I'm with you Kojiro. So...thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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