Different But Same

Start from the beginning

Daniel: H-He's full of shit, is what he's talking about. T-that car reeked of whiskey. He was probably half in the bag and wrapped it around a telephone pole

Johnny: Yeah, ask your daughter

Daniel: No, you know what? I've enjoyed this trip down memory lane, but some of us have places to be

He gats up from his seat and grabs his suit jacket

Johnny: I'm not leaving until I get payback for my car and my son's bike

Daniel: I told you, I had nothing to do with it

Johnny: Someone did

Before another stand-off could happen Amanda stepped in

Amanda: Luckily, someone with a car dealership who can help

She looks at Daniel


Jack on the sandy beach with a beer bottle and a couple of empty beer bottles watching the waves move back and forth he sighed when he felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out seeing about 32 unread texts from Amy

He switched his phone off and went back to drinking from his beer bottle looking back at the ocean before he sighed angrily downing the last of his beer and threw it into the other empty bottles at his side

Jack: Fuckin' Larusso

He stood up and walked back to the bike and got on speeding off


Miguel sat next to Demetri and Aisha on a bench with Demetri trying to get him to eat something

Demetri: Come on, eat something. It'll make you feel better

Miguel: I told you I'm not hungry, man

Demetri: I still think you're overreacting 

Miguel: I'm not overreacting, dude. I know what I saw

Hawk: All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode

He kicks Bert to the ground and walks over to the bench

Hawk: It probably just her brother or something

Miguel: No, dude. Brothers don't look at their sisters like that

Demetri: Depends on what part of the country you're in

Miguel: Look, I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me

Hawk: All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have a chance

Demetri: Don't listen to Eli

Hawk: It's "Hawk"

Demetri: Yeah, whatever you say. The fact is Sam's given you no reason not to trust her

Miguel: Yeah I guess you're right

Demetri: Yeah

Aisha: Oh! That little bitch!

They all look at her

Miguel: What?

Aisha: You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?

Miguel: Yeah

Aisha: Look what Yasmine commented

She shows them the comment

Hawk: Oh shit

Aisha: I got to do something 

Hawk: How about we kidnap her and have my man Rico tattoo "Bitch" on her face?

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