"STOP IT! I DIDN'T KILL HIM!" I screamed, cutting him off. Hot tears were burning my eyes, and on the verge of over-pouring, and running down my face. I swallowed hard and blinked back the tears the best that I could. I wanted to speak, to tell the whole story, but I couldn't. I would break down and go hysterical. Harry put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"Okay, we're not telling you all about how Cedric died, so if that's why you're here, clear out now," he said, and relief spread throughout me. I wouldn't have to explain, thank Merlin... But Harry grabbed my hand and mumbled to Hermione, "Come on, let's just go they think we're freaks-"

"Is it true that you two can produce a patronus charm?" Luna asked in her whimsical voice. Harry and I nodded in unison.

"Blimey, I didn't know you could do that!" Dean said in awe.

"A...and Harry had killed a basilisk before with the sword of Gryffindor!"

"And Anna survived being kidnapped and tortured by death eaters!"

"The two of them fought off at least a hundred dementors at once!" People were calling out all of the extraordinary things we had done that the two of us had never thought about twice. After a while, the commotion died down, and Hermione stood up.

"And last year, they both really did fight You Know Who by themselves..." Hermione stated. Harry and I both had enough attention and stood up at the same time. I let him speak first.

"Look, it all sounds...great...when you say it. But facing this stuff in real life is just different," he said, and I could tell he was trying to find a way to convey the message so it would make sense.

"Right. I mean, when you're really there, a second before yours, or someone else's death, you act on instinct. It's just not as simple and easy that school makes it seem. If you screw up, in class, it's all okay. You can try again tomorrow. When it's real, you don't get a second chance, and there's a big price to pay..." I said quietly, the image of Cedric dying replaying over and over. It was my fault... My sacrifice was a stupid idea. I was supposed to force them to leave, but instead, I took the easy way out, and Cedric was the price to pay for my careless mistake. I would have kept talking, but the lump in my throat was keeping me from doing so.

"She's right... It's completely different. None of you know what that's like," Harry said sadly, Hermione stood up and nodded, placing a hand on our shoulders.

"That's exactly why we need your help, both of you. If we're going to have any chance of beating..." she trailed off and closed her eyes while taking a deep breath before she continued, "Voldemort..." The room was silent, but a young boy who's name was Nigel spoke up.

"So it's true? He really is back?" he asked sadly. I gave him a slight nod. That's when I could feel everyone in the room finally believing us and trusting us. I got up, picked up a quill and wrote on the sign-up parchment. I had finally thought of a name.

Dumbledore's Army I wrote in a fancy, cursive style above mine, Harry's, Ron's, and Hermione's names that were already written.

"If you want to join, we would really appreciate it. I promise, you won't regret joining Dumbledore's Army," I said and held out the quill. Luna was the first one to get up and sign it. Then, a line of everyone in the room formed. Harry and Hermione were at the sign-up sheet while Ron and I stayed in the back.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not your fault Cedric died," he said quietly with a sympathetic look. I shook my head.

"You don't know what happened that night, you weren't there. I could have stopped it-"

"Stop blaming yourself-"

"Ron, I'm not making this up. I really could have stopped it. I should have forced them to leave, I really could've, and none of this would have happened. Cedric would be alive, Voldemort wouldn't be back," I explained, tears in my eyes. He was at a loss for words, and I just shook my head, looking down, "I wish I would have stopped it... I would give anything to just go back... Oh, how I wish I had a time turner," I groaned, and Ron gave a laugh.

"That sure would've been helpful. You should have just kept it in third year when you had the chance."

"You're right, I'm such an idiot."

"You're the complete opposite of an idiot. I mean, I think you're smarter than Hermione to be honest. But please don't tell her I said that," he whispered. I smiled.

"I'm really not. You know, I really think it's about time you and Hermione get together," I said, nudging him. He quickly shook his head.

"She's cool and all, but I really don't like her in that way-"

"Oh come on! You're joking! I mean, I know we've already had this conversation, but really, just admit it!" I hissed. He laughed, and just got up, leaving me by myself. I just rolled my eyes.

"I agree with you, they would be a cute couple," Luna said in her airy voice as she sat next to me. I grinned.

"It's about time someone agrees with me. Oh, by the way, I'm really happy you signed up, I know you'll do great."

"I'm happy I signed up too. I do believe you, I've always believed you about Voldemort and Sirius Black, and the rest too."

"Thanks, that really means a lot."

"I also don't think you're crazy like everyone else does, no offense though.

"Oh, I know how everyone thinks of me. And I am a little psycho... I have bipolar disorder you know..." I said quietly. I was expecting her to call me a nutter and tell everyone, but all she did was give a small smile.

"I figured. You see, I don't look at people's similarities, I see them with their differences instead, if that makes any sense," she said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I get it. I don't judge people by their differences, because your differences are what make you, you. But just about everyone is so insecure, and afraid to be different, who they really are. You know Luna, I like you. you're really cool and don't care what people think," I grinned.

"Thank you, I think you're my first actual friend who doesn't think I'm a weirdo and talk about me behind my back, that means a lot."

"Sure thing-"

"Okay everyone! Can I have your attention please?!" Hermione asked loudly, and the room fell silent. She continued, "Thank you all for coming and signing up! We'll meet back here next week at the same time so we can give you all the details about the meetings. You are dismissed, and thanks again!" She said cheerfully, and everyone started filing out. One thing I noticed was that the majority of the people were smiling, and that's when I realized how much we were helping people. So what if Umbridge found out? We had a chance to fight back!

Hey everyone! Sorry if this chapter was boring, it was more of a filler. But I still hope you liked it anyways. And sorry for the late updates, I've just been really busy lately with marching band, volunteering, school, babysitting, ect. So yeah, I guess that's about it. Thanks for reading, and I would really appreciate any suggestions or ideas for this story, comments, votes, and follows! Thanks again! :)

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now